taschen340's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rome, Italy

Trevi Waterfall

A magnificent waterfall is also home to the remains of a Roman hydraulic engineering system.
Guarcino, Italy

Arco di Trevi

This mysterious ancient arch is hidden in the forest of Simbruini Mountains Regional Park.
Bussi Sul Tirino, Italy

Church of Santa Maria di Cartignano

The ruins of this once gorgeous medieval church are still standing, despite the region's constant flooding.
Naples, Italy

Porta Nolana

This medieval city gate is now a blend of the past and the modern world.
Sermoneta, Italy

Abbazia di Valvisciolo (Valvisciolo Abbey)

Knights Templar are visible inside this stunning Cistercian abbey.
Segni, Italy

Porta Saracena

The hilltop town of Segni was once home to an ancient Roman colony and garrison.
Rome, Italy

Ludus Magnus

The ruins of the largest gladiatorial school in Rome are largely hidden under modern streets.
San Severino, Italy

San Severino di Centola

This medieval hilltop village was abandoned at the end of the 19th century, after existing for more than 500 years.
Rome, Italy

Arco di Malborghetto

The meaning behind this triumphal Roman arch was a mystery until the early 20th century.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Pontificio Santuario Maria SS "ad Rupes" (Pontifical Sanctuary of Maria SS. ad Rupes)

A monk spent 14 years carving steps through tuff to make this religious site more accessible to pilgrims.
Maddaloni, Italy

Ponti della Valle di Maddaloni

A massive bridge forms part of an aqueduct that was deemed an architectural wonder of its time.
Sarsina, Italy

Sarsina Cathedral

The collar worn by a fourth-century saint resides in this church, and is still used for blessings to this day.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Basilica di Sant'Elia

Magnificent frescoes decorate the interior of this Romanesque church, which also showcases an unusual phenomenon during winter solstice.
Caprarola, Italy

Pozzo del Diavolo (Devil's Well)

Was this cave created by Hercules's wrath, the devil, or volcanic activity?
Rovigo, Italy

Towers of Rovigo

All that is left of this medieval castle is two towers, both of which now display a visible tilt.
Rocchetta Alta, Italy

Rocchetta a Volturno

This medieval settlement was abandoned after a series of landslides. What remained was largely destroyed during a mock battle for a WWII film reel.
Cropani, Italy

Bosco Magnano Waterfall

The pristine waters crossing this forest form a hidden waterfall among the dense vegetation.
Sperlonga, Italy

Via Flacca Ruins

The remains of this medieval Roman road and lookout towers dot the rugged coastline of southern Lazio.
Formia, Italy

Eremo di San Michele Arcangelo (Hermitage of Saint Michael the Archangel)

Hidden in a high mountain cave, this hermitage dates back to the ninth century.
Verona, Italy

Biblioteca Capitolare of Verona

One of the oldest libraries in the world is still operating and contains the oldest existing document in the Italian language.
Terracina, Italy

Temple of Jupiter Anxur

A Roman temple perched over an Italian town, forgotten several times over.
Padula, Italy

Certosa di San Lorenzo (Padula Charterhouse)

An omelette made with over 1,000 eggs may have been prepared when Holy Roman Emperor Charles V visited this monastery.
Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Ponte degli Alpini

Destroyed numerous times, this centuries-old bridge has always been rebuilt with its original design.
Soriano nel Cimino, Italy

Sasso Menicante (Trembling Stone)

This massive rock balanced for thousands of years being tossed here during a volcanic eruption.