TechPhek's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Oakland, California

Gnomes of Lake Merritt

This mysterious series of teeny guerrilla installations sheds a whimsical light on street art in Oakland.
Oakland, California

Cathedral of Christ the Light

A massive ultra-modern church presents a science-fiction view of Catholicism's inclusive future.
Oakland, California

Joaquin Miller Monuments

Odd stone and concrete monuments in the "Poet of the Sierras" eclectic folly garden.
Oakland, California

Ratto's Market & Deli

International delicatessen has been owned and operated by the same family for more than 110 years.
Oakland, California

16th Street Train Station

A crumbling Beaux Arts monument to the Bay Area's age of rail.
Oakland, California

Jonestown Memorial

The memorial to the victims of the Jonestown Massacre carries the names of 918 lost, including one name people wish wasn't there.
Oakland, California

Bay Bridge Troll

A creepy steel gremlin has protected the Bay Bridge since 1989.
Oakland, California

Mazzariello Labyrinth

Spiral labyrinth hidden in the hills above Oakland, CA.
Oakland, California

Lake Merritt's Bonsai Garden

Bonsai garden in Oakland is curated by the first non-Japanese female bonsai master in the United States.
Oakland, California

Chapel of the Chimes

Julia Morgan's Moorish-Gothic labyrinth of fountains, trees, natural light and Oakland's notable dead.
Palo Alto, California

Pneumatic Tube System at Stanford University Hospital

Four miles of pipelines form the model of still-functioning retro-tech efficiency.
Palo Alto, California

Stanford Mausoleum

Guarded by the Angel of Grief, the Stanford family tomb attracts an odd mix of halloween revelry and somber contemplation.
Palo Alto, California

Arizona Cactus Garden

A hidden world of exotic succulents and cacti.
Palo Alto, California

The Frenchman's Tower

This odd California folly seems like it was almost designed to accumulate urban legends.
Palo Alto, California

Birthplace of Silicon Valley

A humble garage, world-famous for being the epicenter of a technology revolution.
Newark, California

Salt Ponds of San Francisco Bay

From the sky, a kaleidoscope of color brightens the grey landscape of the San Francisco Bay.
San Jose, California


San Francisco Bay's ghost town.
Sunol-Midtown, California

Sunol Water Temple

A Roman-inspired temple once controlled half of San Francisco's waters.
Sunol, California

Bosco the Dog Mayor

The black lab that was voted mayor of a California town is forever remembered by a life-size statue.
Fremont, California

Berkeley Mystery Walls

Neither Spanish settlers nor anyone since has been able to tell who built these strange California rock walls.
Fremont, California

The Secret Sidewalk

The old Niles Canyon Aqueduct in the San Francisco Bay Area is a bemusing and secret trail through nature for wayward travelers.
Berkeley, California

UC Berkeley's Nobel Laureate Parking Spaces

The Laureates here get something even more coveted than a Nobel Prize: free parking for life.
Berkeley, California

Free Speech Monument

This subtle Berkeley paving stone actually marks off a lawless tube of air that extends into space.
Berkeley, California

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Where the alchemists dream of transmuting base metal into gold was actually achieved.