TexMexCzechs's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Antonio, Texas


A colorful public mural in San Antonio's West Side encourages students to stay in school.
Laredo, Texas

Republic of the Rio Grande Museum

Seven flags adorn this Texas museum, one for each of the powers that have ruled the area.
San Antonio, Texas

Comanche Lookout Park

One of the highest points in Bexar county offers birdseye views of San Antonio and a four-story stone tower.
San Marcos, Texas

'Nature of the Waters'

In the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere, this was the former home of the Marshal of Gravity and the site of his tragic death.
San Antonio, Texas

The Grotto

Craggy concrete faces are hidden in the walls of this artificial cave along the San Antonio River.
Austin, Texas

The Texas State Cemetery

A high-octane shrine to the greatest Texans who ever lived.
Galveston, Texas

Betty Head Oleander Garden Park

The deadly but beautiful ornamental oleander was planted all over the island of Galveston after the hurricane of 1900.
San Antonio, Texas

Castroville Hearse

An antique horse-drawn hearse provided French luxury for the dead in this Texan town.
San Antonio, Texas

Grave of Pat the Horse

Soldiers honored the beloved Pat with a special grave.
Zavalla, Texas

Sturrock Cemetery

A 19th century family buried their dead among the pines, beneath gravestones styled after ancient Scottish cairns.
Houston, Texas

Aurora Picture Show

Local arts organization founded in a former church.
Big Bend National Park, Texas

Mariscal Mine

An abandoned mine where dreams of quicksilver trickled away over 75 years ago.
Houston, Texas

Twilight Epiphany Skyspace

Artist James Turrell's ode to dawn and dusk on the campus of Rice University.
El Paso, Texas

Lhakhang Cultural Exhibit

A Bhutanese temple gifted from the isolated Himalayan kingdom is now a surprising cultural gem located at the University of Texas at El Paso.
San Angelo, Texas

Lower Ghost Camp

A mysteriously abandoned campsite in San Angelo State Park.
Austin, Texas

Barton Springs

Home to an endangered salamander, a full moon celebration, and a large spring-fed outdoor swimming pool.
Texas City, Texas

Texas City Memorial

This memorial marks the devastating day that Texas City was destroyed in a daisy chain of exploding ships.
Austin, Texas

'Hi, How Are You' Mural

This simple frog painting created by musician Daniel Johnston embodies the spirit of Austin.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Stockyards

Belly up to the bar in Cowtown, don't forget to buy some boots.
Houston, Texas

Rothko Chapel

The peaceful space is adorned by paintings by the famed abstract artist Mark Rothko.
Galveston, Texas

The Kettle House

This tiny, hurricane-resistant house in Galveston is one of the city's most notable architectural oddities.
Hearne, Texas

Grave in the Road

This one-woman cemetery was a small civil rights victory.
Hondo, Texas

Ruins of St Dominic's Catholic Church

On a dusty county road sit the ruins of a ghost town's abandoned church.
Culberson County, Texas

Guadalupe Peak

The highest point in Texas is capped by a big silver pyramid.