therealjohnking's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Donaueschingen, Germany


The great Danube river starts here.
Fort Worth, Texas

Lee Harvey Oswald's Grave

Of course the grave of JFK's assassin is surrounded by conspiracy theories.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.
Tomar, Portugal

Convento de Cristo

The medieval castle built as headquarters for the Pope's secretive Knights Templar.
Prague, Czechia

Olšany Cemetery

Walk through Czech history in Prague's largest graveyard.
Bloomington, Indiana

The Garret

Ornate limestone building now filled with geologic specimens, and more.
Shiraz, Iran

Shah Cheragh

Mirrors and glass shards cover every inch of this arrestingly beautiful mosque.
Cape Town, South Africa

District Six Museum

A sobering account of the vibrant multicultural neighborhood that was destroyed under apartheid.
Bourtange, Netherlands

Fort Bourtange

This beautifully designed star-shaped fort was the premier defense system of the late 1500s.
Nashville, Tennessee

United Record Pressing

When Motown musicians came to Nashville in the 1960s they stayed at this historic record-pressing company because hotels wouldn't host them.
East Jerusalem, Israel

Western Wall Tunnel

Descend 2,030 years into the past in an ancient tunnel built to support Jerusalem's most famous wall.
Shrewsbury, Vermont

Stone Man of Bowman Family Crypt

Who is this marble man, perpetually creeping up the steps of his own mausoleum?
Inishmaan, Ireland

The Island of Inishmaan

Certain traditions prevail on the least-visited island of the Aran Islands.
Valencia, Spain

Holy Chalice of Valencia

Of the many chalices in the running for the Holy Grail, this one in Valencia Cathedral sure looks the part.
Lviv, Ukraine

Under the Black Eagle Pharmacy Museum

Ukraine's oldest operating pharmacy now offers guests a fascinating walk through apothecary history.
San Jose, California

Olympic Black Power Statue

A statue commemorate Tommie Smith and John Carlos's brave protest at the 1968 Olympics, a watershed moment for civil rights.
Goldfield, Nevada

Paste Eater's Grave

Eulogizing an unknown man's unusual demise.
Bucharest, Romania

Curtea Veche (Old Princely Court)

The bust of Romania’s most notorious ruler, Vlad Dracula aka "Vlad the Impaler," keeps watch over the ruins of his medieval court.
Wuppertal, Germany

Lego Bridge

This painted Lego bridge is the product of over a century of locomotive history.
Allauch, France

Attrap’Rêves Bubble Hotel

Sleep in a climate-controlled plastic bubble for the night.
Budapest, Hungary

Istvántelek Train Yard

The abandoned "Red Star Train Graveyard" is the final rusting place for precious artifacts of train history.
Puebla, Mexico

Rosary Chapel

The splendor of this 17th century golden chapel has led it to be called the "eighth wonder of the world."
Marietta, Georgia

St. James Episcopal Cemetery

An elegant Georgian cemetery best known for the grave of the little girl whose murder on Christmas Day remains unsolved.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Five Fishermen Restaurant

How would you like to dine in the same room where some of the Titanic's victims were embalmed?