togetmesomepants's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kaleüçağız Köyü, Turkey

Lycian Tomb Uçagiz

A mysterious ancient cemetery with Roman sarcophagi and Lycian inscriptions.
Denizli, Turkey

Pamukkale Water Terraces

Roman ruins top white travertine terraces formed by ancient hot springs.
Denizli Merkez, Turkey

Pluto's Gate

A deadly ancient portal to the underworld.
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwenandaw Kyaung Temple

A grand example of 19th century Burmese teak architecture, and the most significant of Mandalay's historic buildings.
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

World's Largest Book at Kuthodaw Pagoda

This golden temple is surrounded by hundreds of stone tablets that comprise the "world's largest book."
Myanmar (Burma)

Thanboddhay Pagoda

Luxurious devotion and 500,000 images of Buddha in Myanmar.
Kyaukse, Myanmar (Burma)

Snake Pagoda of Myanmar

These serpents are considered holy and pampered accordingly.
Myingyan, Myanmar (Burma)

Mount Popa

Myanmar's Mount Olympus atop a 2,500-foot volcanic plug.
Minbu, Myanmar (Burma)

Minbu Mud Volcanoes

These muddy eruptions are less deadly than actual volcanoes but also more holy.
Juneau, Alaska

Mendenhall Ice Caves

Breathtakingly blue walls shimmer inside the "Glacier Behind the Town."
Juneau, Alaska

The Upside-Down Forest of Glacier Gardens

Upside-down trees serve as natural flower pots in this hanging garden of Alaska.


These ominous lava formations were said to be an entrance to the netherworld so of course they inspired a famous metal band.


This volcanic cave lake is essentially hard proof that Iceland is the most magical place on Earth.


A sulfuric martian landscape that looks far better than it smells.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Ragged Ass Road

This stretch of Canadian road was named after a nickname that stuck so hard the city had to keep it.

Athabasca Sand Dunes

The most northerly active sand dunes in the world have some very rare botanical residents.
Qurnat As Sawda, Lebanon

Qurnat As Sawda

Lebanon's highest point offers expansive views, martian terrains, and eerie ski lifts.
Baalbek, Lebanon

Baalbek Trilithon

The largest hewn stone in history.
Sarandë District, Albania

Syri i Kalter: The Blue Eye

A naturally beautiful, seemingly bottomless deep blue spring.
Kalabaka, Greece


Monasteries on rock pillars, once accessible only by frayed ropes.
Eupen, Belgium

Jacques Chocolate Museum

Museum covers every step of the chocolate-making process, from cultivation to the finished product.
Borgloon, Belgium

Reading Between The Lines

Part modern art project, part traditional chapel, this see-through church is only substantial from the right angle.
Sleepy Hollow, New York

Chagall and Matisse Glass

This tiny church near Sleepy Hollow contains Henri Matisse's last work, a rose window, and nine windows by Marc Chagall.
Estes Park, Colorado

Frozen Dead Guy Days

An annual festival celebrating Colorado's most famous frozen corpse.