Tombomb82's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Charleston, South Carolina

Fireproof Building and South Carolina Historical Society

Once the most flame resistant building in the country, the South Carolina Historical Society building was almost burnt down in a fire.
St. Helena Island, South Carolina

Harbor Island Abandoned Houses

Once luxurious, these oceanfront beach homes have been left to succumb to the elements as the beach is slowly washed away.
Walterboro, South Carolina

Walterboro Water Tower

This South Carolina water tower is an icon of the city of Walterboro, but it also once served as the county jail.
Fort Mill, South Carolina

Heritage USA

A Christian-themed amusement park and complex rocked by scandals.
Columbia, South Carolina

Busted Plug Plaza

The world's largest fire hydrant is supposedly tornado-proof.
Columbia, South Carolina

Neverbust Chain

This titanic steel chain linking two buildings was installed without permission but instantly beloved.
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Gullah Heritage Trail

The language and heritage of a nearly forgotten culture can still be explored in this Southern enclave.
Seabrook, South Carolina

Oyotunji African Village

North America's oldest authentic African Village.
St. Helena Island, South Carolina

St. Helena Parish Chapel of Ease Ruins

The remains of a chapel created for convenience.
Morgan Island, South Carolina

Morgan Island

4,000 monkeys used for medical testing on an island off of South Carolina.
Columbia, South Carolina


This psychedelic tromp l'oeil seems to be beckoning drivers to crash into a wall.
Southport, North Carolina

Frying Pan Tower

This abandoned lighthouse looks like a rusting oil rig, but has managed to survive a number of storms.
Bird Island, North Carolina

Kindred Spirit Mailbox

A mailbox that saved a nature reserve.
Rose Hill, North Carolina

The World's Largest Operational Frying Pan

The 15-foot-wide, 2-ton pan fries hundreds of chickens once a year.
Eureka, North Carolina

Goldsboro Nuclear Mishap

A sign marks the plane crash that caused two nuclear bombs to fall in North Carolina.
Point Harbor, North Carolina

World's Largest Hammock

The perfect place to take a family of giants for a beach vacation.
Youngsville, North Carolina

Tomb of William Jeffreys

A young state senator's deathbed plea to be buried inside a rock resulted in this unusual grave site.
Durham, North Carolina

Durham's Hidden Dinosaur

Don't be surprised if you see a long-necked dinosaur peeking out from among the trees in Northgate Park.
Durham, North Carolina

V & E Simonetti Historic Tuba Collection

The humble horn finally finds a place in the sun.
Durham, North Carolina

Duke Lemur Center

This research center for rare prosimians is studying how they sleep to help prolong human life.
Rougemont, North Carolina

Castle Mont Rouge

A sculptor's dream castle turned fantastical ruin.
Prospect Hill, North Carolina

Shangri-La Stone Village

A retired tobacco farmer's pet project turned into a sturdy miniature city.
Greensboro, North Carolina

Site of the Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-in

This North Carolina store preserves a historic moment in America's movement for racial equality.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Abandoned Dome House

Rotting dome home spotted near Chapel Hill, North Carolina.