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Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de Anatomopatología (Museum of Pathological Anatomy)

Located in a veterinary school, this macabre exhibit displays the effects of animal diseases.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Panteón de Belen (Santa Paula Cemetery)

This historic cemetery built for victims of the epidemics that swept Guadalajara is shrouded in macabre tales.
Mexico City, Mexico

Fuente de los Coyotes

In Coyoacán, a pair of coyotes crown a public fountain in reference to the ancient Aztec name of the borough.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Post Mortem Chapel

The ruins of an abandoned church mingle with the graves at Oaxaca’s General Cemetery.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mosaic Votive Skull

The turquoise-studded skull of a long-dead Aztec man sits within Mexico City’s Museum of Anthropology.
Tepoztlán, Mexico


Concrete construction materials turned into a fashionable capsule hotel in rural Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Panteón Francés de La Piedad

This French cemetery houses some of the most exquisite examples of funerary art in Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Ex-Votos of Churubusco

These unusual paintings give thanks to the saints and deities who granted people favors and miracles.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Guadalupano (Virgin of Guadalupe Museum)

The unique collection of gifts includes braids of human hair, a spoon, and a Virgin made of bread.
Pachuca de Soto, Mexico

Macromural de Pachuca

One of the world's largest murals covers a large swath of homes in its hillside neighborhood.
San Francisco Mazapa, Mexico

La Gruta

Cool down and fill up after visiting Teotihuacán at this bar and restaurant in a deep, underground cave.
Villahermosa, Mexico

Mayan 2012 Prophecy Carvings

This singular broken monument, now housed in a museum, was the cause of a worldwide "Mayan Doomsday" phenomenon.
San Juan de la Vega, Mexico

Festival of the Exploding Hammers

There is nothing like a religious festival celebrated with blow-up sledgehammers.
San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mexico

Column of Death

A mysterious pillar in an ancient burial chamber is said to predict how long you have to live.
Guanajuato, Mexico

Hacienda del Cochero

Peaceful gardens hide an underground torture museum.
Mexico City, Mexico

Death Mask of Pakal the Great

The striking jade death mask of an ancient Maya king is displayed in a replica tomb in Mexico City.
Nativitas, Mexico

Murals of Cacaxtla

These strikingly colorful paintings were created by a mysterious Mesoamerican civilization.
Mexico City, Mexico

Tacubaya's Subway Mural

Inside a busy metro station, an impressive mural depicts the prehispanic city of Tenochtitlán.
Mexico City, Mexico

Serpents of the Great Temple

These spectacular, symbolic serpents lie within the shadow of the Great Temple.
Mexico City, Mexico

Baths of Moctezuma

The ruins of the bathhouse used by the ill-fated last Aztec emperor still lie in Chapultepec Park.
Temozón, Mexico

Cenote Hubiku

This popular cave pool is truly magical, despite the crowds.
Mexico City, Mexico

'El Vochol'

A Volkswagen Beetle decorated with millions of beads connects Mexico's past and future.
Pomuch, Mexico

Pomuch Cemetery

Once a year in Pomuch, the dead are taken out for a cleaning.

Cuzamá Cenotes

Three sinkholes filled with warm, crystal-clear water reached by a horse-driven cart on an old train track through the jungle.