Turtburglar's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Magdalena, New Mexico

Bracewell Radio Sundial

A one-of-a-kind sundial at the Very Large Array honors a radio astronomy pioneer, incorporating the original piers from his breakthrough radio telescope.
Ponderosa, New Mexico

The Goblin Colony

On the edge of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, these rock formations create an eerie landscape.
Cibola County, New Mexico

Budville Trading Post

In 1967, murder and mayhem disrupted the tranquility along this quiet stretch of Old Route 66.
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Jemez Springs Soda Dam

The 7,000-year-old calcium carbonate formation creates a magnificent natural bridge.
New Mexico

Cabezon Peak

This towering volcanic plug stands out among the dramatic formations that dot this otherworldly desert valley.
Madrid, New Mexico

Mine Shaft Tavern

Home to New Mexico's longest bar, this watering hole also has a mining museum and a haunted history.
Hatch, New Mexico


A wealth of pop culture statuary and green chile dishes give this roadside restaurant clout.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bradbury Science Museum

This museum started as a collection of Manhattan Projects and continues to add exhibits as they are declassified.
Taos, New Mexico

Tiwa Kitchen

Taos Pueblo recipes, foraged ingredients, and outdoor ovens define the menu at this eatery.
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Spaceport America

The world's first commercial spaceport is a disappointment of cosmic proportions.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Grave of Walter White

The fictional star of "Breaking Bad" is memorialized with a real-life gravestone in his hometown.
Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell UFO Spacewalk

A blacklight journey through a celestial art exhibit.
Farmington, New Mexico

Crow Canyon Petroglyphs

One of the American Southwest's most extensive collections of Navajo rock art.
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument

A unique geological area spiked with wind-carved rocks that resemble teepees.
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Truth or Consequences

This quirky hot springs town known to locals as "T or C" was named after a radio show.
Pecos, New Mexico

Pecos National Historical Park

Despite time, colonization, and the brutal New Mexican heat, these Pueblo ruins still stand.
New Mexico

Trinity Atomic Bomb Site

Twice a year, visitors can tour the desolate site that birthed the Atomic Age.
Quemado, New Mexico

The Lightning Field

In the remote high desert of New Mexico, a strange array of poles beckon fury from above.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Origami in the Garden

Giant origami sculptures tucked into desert scenery beckon passers-by to explore further.
Shiprock, New Mexico


Legends surround this jagged rock formation in the New Mexico desert.
Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell McDonald's

This fast-food outlet is the only space and UFO-themed McDonalds in the world.
Nageezi, New Mexico

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

A phenomenal assembly of pueblos in New Mexico is the most complete example of ancient ruins north of the border.
El Prado, New Mexico


These aggressively sustainable art homes look like something out of 1970's science fiction.
Las Vegas, New Mexico

Dwan Light Sanctuary

A futuristic temple of light uses prisms and rainbows to create an atmosphere of peace.