wolben06's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Kota Kinabalu City Mosque

Malaysia's floating mosque.
Batu Caves, Malaysia

Batu Caves

Holy Hindu shrine in an enormous, monkey-filled limestone cavern.
Xiulin Township, Taiwan

Eternal Spring Shrine

A waterfall runs right through the middle of this Taiwanese shrine to the hundreds of workers killed while building a nearby highway.
Hanoi, Vietnam

B-52 Wreckage

Monument to a brutal, ineffectual US bombing campaign and a sobering reminder of the human cost of the Vietnam War.
Hong Kong

Man Mo Temple Complex

A serene space tucked amid the skyscrapers of Hong Kong's bustling financial district.
Hong Kong

Central-Mid-Levels Escalators

The world's longest outdoor covered escalator system transports commuters through Hong Kong's hilly terrain.
Hong Kong

Chungking Mansions

Teeming with illegal goods and services, this towering maze of vice is also a popular tourist accommodation.
Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River

Five miles of underground river link lake to ocean.
Jeju-si, South Korea

Jeju Loveland

South Korea's only sex-themed park.
Seogwipo, South Korea

Jeju Mermaids

South Korea's women of the sea have completely flipped their society's structure by becoming revered fisherwomen.
Seoul, South Korea

War Memorial of Korea

Home to more than 13,000 pieces of war memorabilia and military equipment.
Kyoto, Japan

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine

The 10,000 Torii shrine.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Bamboo Forest

The sound of swaying stalks in this stunning grove has been named a governmentally recognized sound.
Tokyo, Japan

Odaiba Statue of Liberty

This little replica of Lady Liberty provides a bit of NYC in a Japanese city.
Tokyo, Japan

Godzilla Head

Not quite the menace it once was, this monster still has some chops.
Tokyo, Japan

Nakagin Capsule Tower

The original "capsule building" is a masterpiece of Metabolist architecture.
Coventry, England

Coventry Cathedral Ruins

The bombed out remains of the old church were kept intact next to the new one, as a reminder of the futility of war.
Coventry, England

Ruins of St. Mary's Priory Cathedral

All that remains of the only English cathedral destroyed in the Protestant Reformation.
Coventry, England

Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom Clock

Every hour on the hour a naked heroine and her leering foil appear from this giant cuckoo clock.
Coventry, England

Thrust SSC and Thrust 2

One of these two land speed record-breaking vehicles went so fast it shattered the sound barrier.
Coventry, England

Spon Street

A preserved block of timber buildings from the city's industrial era in the Middle Ages.