yangyic's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Silver Spring, Maryland

Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery

Dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, frogs, and fish are laid to rest at the second-oldest pet cemetery in the U.S.
Baltimore, Maryland

Elijah Bond's Ouija Board Grave

The man who first patented the Ouija board rests in peace beneath a headstone that playfully reflects that achievement.
Silver Spring, Maryland

'Coastline' Wave Pool

Live data is transmitted from the Atlantic coast to instantly recreate the ocean waves in this fountain at the NOAA headquarters.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Bust of the 'Homeless Mayor'

A tribute to the beloved, kind-hearted "homeless mayor" of Silver Spring.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Wheaton Station Escalator

The longest escalator in the Western Hemisphere takes over three minutes to ride down.
Baltimore, Maryland

Ministry of Brewing

An abandoned church gets a second life as a massive beer hall and event space.
Baltimore, Maryland

George Peabody Library

It's not hard to see why the historic Peabody Conservatory of Music's library has been described as a "cathedral of books."
Ashton-Sandy Spring, Maryland

Underground Railroad Experience Trail

Walk a trail through a historic Quaker town that outlawed slavery in 1777 and was a major waypoint on the Underground Railroad.
Baltimore, Maryland

Curtis Creek Ship Graveyard

Ship skeletons haunt Baltimore's waterways.
Laurel, Maryland

Forest Haven Asylum

This abandoned asylum was once a state of the art facility before devolving into one of the most deadly mental institutions in American history.
Hyattsville, Maryland

Vanadu Art House

An intricately designed junk art house with four extravagant junk art cars hidden in the suburbs.
Laurel, Maryland

Laurel Dinosaur Park

This dig site outside D.C. is known for its exceptionally high density of baby dinosaur fossils and dinosaur eggs.
Ko Kut, Thailand

The Kingdom of Somchai’s Affection

On the small Thai island of Ko Mak, there is a forgotten garden of erotic statuary.