Unsung Sounds: An Evening of Music That Must Be Heard - Atlas Obscura Experiences

Unsung Sounds: An Evening of Music That Must Be Heard

Members Only
1.5 hours
See Dates
See Dates
What We’ll Do

Can you hear the wonder? This March, Atlas Obscura is bringing you our first live, online music showcase! It's going to be a night with the world's most unforgettable music and most curious instruments.

Unsung Sounds: A Night of Music That Must Be Heard is a special 90-minute online experience that will bring the audience on a fun, captivating, and surprising showcase of curious instruments, rare musical styles, and other unsung sounds. Each guest will speak briefly about their music to provide the fascinating history and culture behind their sound, and then perform a short set. We'll be joined by:

Jamie Stewart (Xiu Xiu)

Hama (Sahel Sounds)

Natalia Paruz (The Saw Lady)

Kiku Day (Ethnomusicologist, Shakuhachi)

Amadou Fall (Ame Kora)

William Zeitler (Composer, Glass Harmonica)

Let's celebrate the innovative, unique, and wondrous sounds that many folks never even get to hear.

Where We’ll Be


What Else You Should Know

Access to this online experience is free for Atlas Obscura Members. Unlock more wonder by becoming a member today!

Once registered, you can access the Zoom room for this experience through your confirmation email or Eventbrite account. Atlas Obscura online experiences are recommended for attendees age 13+.

This online experience will be recorded. A temporary link to the recording will be provided in a follow-up email to all ticket holders within 72 hours after the event. Access to this recording will be available for seven days.

We provide closed captioning for all of our online Member Experiences, as well as transcripts upon request. Please reach out to us at membership@atlasobscura.com if you have any questions, requests, or access needs.

This event is one of Atlas Obscura’s Membership Experiences. At Atlas Obscura, our mission has always been to inspire wonder and curiosity about the incredible world we all share. Now, more than ever, there’s a need to stay connected—not only to our sense of wonder, but to each other.

We encourage you to follow and share the hashtag #AOExperiences for more incredible online experiences and courses with Atlas Obscura and our friends. And check out AtlasObscura.com, the definitive guide to the world’s hidden wonders, to keep virtually exploring the world through the website’s atlas of amazing places, unique stories, and videos.

Dates and Availability
Atlas Obscura Members get free access to this and other exciting online experiences!
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