Café i Fårhus
Dala-järna, Sweden
This restaurant gives a new meaning to farm-to-table cuisine.
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Most people have heard of the various types of animal-themed cafes: cat cafes, dog cafes, even owl cafes. But those eateries typically bring the furry friends to the coffee bar. Café i Fårhus, on the other hand, brings diners to the home turf of barnyard animals.
Open since 2008, the cafe is also an active farm. Driving up, you will come across cows, pigs, and chickens before entering an actual barn with hay flooring offering drinks and snacks. Even sheep can be seen wandering about mere feet from the dining area (fårhus means “sheep house”). Despite its humble setting, the spot offers the same comforts as other cafes: The barn has normal tables and chairs inside and a fully functional kitchen and bar area.
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