duncanchappell295's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Alnwick, England
Places visited in Anstruther, Scotland
Places visited in Carthage, Tunisia
Places visited in Perth and Kinross, Scotland
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Glasgow, Scotland

Clutha and Victoria Bar

The pub has been in operation since 1819 on the banks of the Clyde.
Oslo, Norway

Gol Stave Church

This handsomely carved wooden church is more than 800 years old.
Oslo, Norway

'She Lies'

This floating sculpture of ice is a poignant reminder of nature's power.
Oslo, Norway

Oslo Opera House

The design of this beautifully crafted building was inspired by Norwegian glaciers.
Oslo, Norway

The Devil of Oslo

In downtown Oslo, a menacing and terrifying relief clings to a church wall.
Birmingham, England

Nanette Stocker's Grave

This 19th-century performer's gravestone identifies her as "the smallest woman ever in this Kingdom."
Birmingham, England

Newman Brothers Coffin Works

England's foremost purveyor of funeral furniture hasn't changed a bit since the 1960s.
London, England

Paddington Bear Statue

After nearly 60 years, there's still a bear at Paddington Station looking for help.
Birmingham, England

Birmingham Walk of Stars

The star-studded street honors the city's most notable Brummies.
Birmingham, England

Black Sabbath Bridge

A bench and a bridge pay tribute to Birmingham's favorite heavy metal band.
Birmingham, England

Library of Birmingham

The largest public library in the United Kingdom was designed to reflect the industrial and artistic history of the city where it stands.
Birmingham, England

Edward Burne-Jones and William Morris Stained Glass Windows

A collection of windows created by two of the foremost leaders in the British Arts and Crafts Movement.
Birmingham, England

Needless Alley

A small alleyway with an unusual moniker.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Ben Youssef Madrasa

The largest madrasa in Morocco once housed more than 900 students within its exquisite walls.
Folkestone, England

Zigzag Path

A winding cave grotto walkway built to provide employment for veterans after World War I.
London, England

Stoke Newington Town Hall

You can still see bits of the camouflage used to hide this Art Deco building from bombers during World War II.
London, England

Boadicea and Her Daughters

A statue of the legendary Celtic warrior queen who fought the Roman invaders stands in one of the cities she once destroyed.
London, England

The London Beer Flood

On October 17, 1814, a 15-ft. wave of beer ran rampant through the streets of London.
London, England

Brown Dog Statue

A memorial to a dog that inspired rioting in the streets of London.
London, England

Battersea Power Station

Pop culture has helped to keep this iconic British building from being destroyed.
London, England

Kirkaldy Testing Museum

A collection of machines designed to break things for science.
London, England

Monument to the Unknown Artist

The London statue that imitates passersby.
London, England

Millennium Bridge Tiny Chewing Gum Art

The bridge is a secret gallery of discarded gum that has been transformed into miniature masterpieces.
Lucca, Italy

Torre Guinigi (Guinigi Tower)

Fortified medieval tower house with lovely roof garden.