conorodea17's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Puerto Maldonado, Peru

Puerto Maldonado Obelisco

This space-age looking obelisk rises over a city in the rainforest, meant to resemble the local castaña tree.
La Rinconada, Peru

La Rinconada Goldmine

In this mine all the gold you can carry may not be as sweet of a deal as it sounds.
Lima, Peru

Abtao Submarine Museum

The retired vessel is South America's first floating museum.
Urubamba, Peru

The Former Wiñay Wayna Pub

This is why we can't have nice things on the Incan Trail.
Nazca, Peru

Museo Antonini

This archaeological museum in one of Peru’s most intriguing regions exhibits ancient artifacts from the Nazca civilization.
Lima, Peru

Plaza de Toros de Acho

This bullring in Lima is the oldest in the Americas and the second-oldest in the world.
Cusco, Peru


A Christian monastery stands on what was once a holy Incan temple.
Lares, Peru

Lares Hot Springs

Bathe in these natural hot springs located high in the Andes Mountains.
San Martín, Peru

Petroglyphs of Polish

This set of mysterious petroglyphs in the Peruvian jungle could shed light on centuries-old activities in the region.
Chivay, Peru

Apachetas of Chivay

Mystic Incan rock piles three miles above sea level.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu Discovery Plaques

It took 82 years and four different plaques to finally get the story right.
Moche, Peru

Huaca de la Luna

The outside of this exposed Moche pyramid is covered with striking colorful adobe friezes.
Quispicanchi, Peru


The Incas turned this ancient Wari aqueduct into an imposing defensive gate.
Puno, Peru

Taquile Island

On this tiny spot of land in the middle of Lake Titicaca the only ones who do the knitting are the men.
Trujillo, Peru

Museo del Juguete

Peru’s only toy museum houses everything from pre-Inca whistles to lead soldiers and terrifying dolls.
Lucanas Province, Peru

Pampa Galeras National Reserve

This high-Andean reserve protects the graceful vicuña that was nearly hunted to extinction for its precious wool.
Chamis, Peru

Cumbe Mayo and Los Frailones

Pre-Incan aqueduct amidst a stone forest in Peru.
Lamas, Peru

Castillo de Lamas

A kitschy Italian medieval-style castle incongruously located amidst one of the most historic towns in the Peruvian Amazon.
Cusco, Peru

Plaza de Armas

Built on the remains of one the Incas’ most important gathering spots, this square keeps the spirit of a fallen empire alive.
Tambopata, Peru

Tres Chimbadas Lake

This small oxbow lake has rare giant river otters and some Seussian-sounding birds.
Cusco, Peru


An Inca spa, military outpost or maybe… both?
Casma District, Peru

Cerro Sechin

The depictions of slaughter are surprisingly detailed at this mysterious ancient site.
Lambayeque, Peru

Tombs of Sipán

The shockingly unspoiled Peruvian tomb of the Lord of Sipan was once guarded by a footless warrior.
Zaña, Peru

The Not-So-Abandoned Town of Zaña

After an epic flood washed away its enslavers, this city has been part ghost town, part cultural wildcard for the past three centuries.