dad2jd276's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Winston-Salem, North Carolina

The Last Shell Oil Clamshell Station

This bright yellow relic is the final survivor of a short burst of seashell-shaped petrol pumps.
Waverly, Virginia

First Peanut Museum in the U.S.

A museum in the heart of Virginia peanut country devoted to the humble goober.
Syria, Virginia

Rapidan Camp

Herbert Hoover's "Brown House" rural presidential retreat was a PR disaster amid the start of the Great Depression.
Arlington, Virginia

DEA Museum

An extensive, if one-sided, history of U.S. law enforcement's war on drugs.
McLean, Virginia

Patowmack Canal

The semi-reclaimed ruins of this canal were once part of an ambitious plan to reroute the mighty potomac.
Broad Run, Virginia

Ruins of the Chapman Beverley Mill

This pre-Revolutionary War grist mill ground corn and flour for soldiers in seven American wars.
Williamsburg, Virginia

Eastern State Hospital

America's first public mental health facility.
Natural Bridge, Virginia

Hidden J.R.R. Tolkien Quote

Lines from a walking song are etched into a rock in Natural Bridge State Park.
Sylva, North Carolina

American Museum of the House Cat

This vast kitty-themed collection illustrates the history of human-cat interaction.