fredengren's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Luleå, Sweden
Places visited in Sigtuna, Sweden
Places visited in Skellefteå, Sweden
Places visited in Cyprus
Places edited in Luleå, Sweden
Places visited in Nicosia, Cyprus
Places visited in Stockholm, Sweden
Places added to Stockholm, Sweden
Places edited in Gothenburg, Sweden
Malmö, Sweden

King Gustav Vasa Knife Incident Plaque

This bronze marker acknowledges an embarrassing royal blunder.
Lund, Sweden

(Alleged) Piece of Descartes' Skull

Could this controversial parietal bone be the remains of the famed French philosopher?
Umea, Sweden


This disputed feline sculpture is Sweden's first MeToo monument.
Onsala, Sweden

Onsala Space Observatory

An impressive collection of massive radio satellites.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vanadislunden Water Reservoir

A water reservoir disguised as a castle stands atop a hill in a park in Stockholm city.
Skarpnäcks Gård, Sweden

Jättegrytan i Skarpnäck (Skarpnäck Giant's Kettle)

This hole formed by a glacier is the largest and best-preserved of its kind in Stockholm.
Stockholm, Sweden

Djurgården Anti-Tank Barrier

Not far from the busy city lie these remains of a time when the world was on fire.
Stockholm, Sweden

'Moby dick'

A statue that stood at the center of a long copyright battle.
Stockholm, Sweden

Meridianen för den Akademiska Kvarten (The Real Meridian for the Academic Quarter)

A response to the wrongly placed meridian of the same name.
Lund, Sweden

Intighet (Nothingness)

The indecision over what to place in this square was immortalized with a plaque.
Lund, Sweden

Meridianen för den Akademiska Kvarten (Meridian for the Academic Quarter)

The marker that allows students all over the world to be late for class.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholms Geographical Midpoint

The center of Stockholm can be found along this quiet street.
Stockholm, Sweden

Alfred Nobel's Grave

The final resting place of the man whose name has become synonymous with greatness.
Stockholm, Sweden

Joseph Kraus's Grave

The composer known as the "Swedish Mozart" arranged to be buried in an unusual spot.
Stockholm, Sweden

'The Flute Player'

This small statue hints at the incorrect origins of the lush landscape park surrounding it.
Stockholm, Sweden

Tantolunden Flak Position

Tucked away in a downtown Stockholm park are the remains of a World War II defense position.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vikingaliv Runestone

Outside a Viking museum sits a modern-day runestone made by a Swedish runemaster using traditional methods.
Lisbon, Portugal

History of Lisbon Mural

Hidden beneath a beautiful overlook you’ll find the history of the city depicted in comic strip format next to a pay toilet.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Stockholm, Sweden


Dine on food tied to Viking history and legend at this subterranean Stockholm spot.
Stockholm, Sweden


A Japanese video game arcade hides in the back of a Swedish pool hall.
Stockholm, Sweden

HSB Paternoster lift

Stockholm's last remaining paternoster elevator.
Stockholm, Sweden

Nobel Ice Cream

This legendary dessert was served to Nobel laureates for decades.
Stockholm, Sweden

Johanneshovs Skans (Johanneshov Sconce)

Part of an abandoned19th-century fortress hides in plain sight inside a modern office building.