nolanbennett's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Arrizala, Spain

Dolmen of Sorginetxe

An ancient stone structure that, according to legend, was built by witches.
Eguílaz, Spain

Dolmen of Aitzkomendi

A stone structure built thousands of years ago on the Iberian peninsula.
Alcoy, Spain

La Sarga Cave Paintings

These 7,000-year-old cave paintings depict life in Neolithic Spain.
Alicante, Spain

Alicante Zero Level

Once used to calculate the various levels around the country.
Esgos, Spain

Monasterio de San Pedro de Rocas

An abandoned 6th-century monastery features a medieval map of the known world.
Vegacervera, Spain

Cueva de Valporquero

The spectacular geological formations make it one of the most impressive caves in Europe.
Loiba, Spain

El Mejor Banco del Mundo (The Best Bench in the World)

This humble bench is considered the most beautiful in the world.
Candamo, Spain

Cueva de La Peña de Candamo

A prehistoric cave in Spain contains paintings dating back to the Ice Age.
Carrascal del Río, Spain

Hermitage of Saint Fructus

Medieval ruins nestled within a breathtaking swath of Spanish nature.
Asturias, Spain

Braña la Pornacal

An uninhabited village that preserves and documents rural architecture and an endangered way of life.
Cangas del Narcea, Spain

Cantabrian Bears of Asturias

Head to the mountains to catch a glimpse of Spain's endangered subspecies of brown bear.
Bermiego, Spain

Bermiego Yew

One of Europe's oldest yew trees has lived more than 2,000 years.
Valencia de Alcántara, Spain

Valencia de Alcántara Dolmens

One of Europe's largest groups of dolmens remains largely off the typical tourist track.
Montejo de Tiermes, Spain


The ruins of an ancient Celtiberian town with incredible rock-cut buildings and a Roman aqueduct.
Enciso, Spain

Enciso Ichnites

Hundreds of preserved dinosaur footprints can be found along a hiking trail in this small village.
Alicante, Spain

Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ)

Fascinating exhibits of prehistoric and ancient artifacts displayed with a uniquely modern touch.
Cáceres, Spain

Cave of Maltravieso

A neighborhood park in the city of Cáceres hides what some believe are revolutionary examples of Neanderthal cave art.
Gormaz, Spain

Castle of Gormaz

This Arab fortress was once the largest citadel in Western Europe.
Pimiango, Spain

El Pindal Cave

These primitive rock paintings include a very beloved depiction of a woolly mammoth.
Berrioplano, Spain

Fort of San Cristóbal

This huge abandoned fortress hidden inside a mountain holds a world of subterranean secrets.
Oviedo, Spain

Iglesia Santa Maria del Naranco

The atmospheric ruins of a historic church can be found on a hill above the city of Oviedo.
Asturias, Spain

Cares Gorge

A spectacular walk on the flank of a gorge.
Madrid, Spain

Our Lady of Almudena Cemetery

Five million people are laid to rest here, more than the population of Madrid itself.
Puente Viesgo, Spain

Caves of Monte Castillo

The walls of these four caverns are filled with art that dates back to the earliest human presence in Europe.