dpinchuck's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cerro Negro

The youngest volcano in Central America.

Semuc Champey

Hidden deep in the Guatemalan jungle is a turquoise paradise of natural pools, caves, and waterfalls.

World's First Salmon ATM

Frozen in Norway, vended in Singapore.

Henderson Waves

The highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore looks like a series of undulating waves rising between two public parks.

Hawker Chan Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle

This Singaporean food-court stall was home to the world's cheapest Michelin-starred meal.

Gardens by the Bay

Singapore's landscaping project is home to 18 incredible Supertrees.
Batu Caves, Malaysia

Batu Caves

Holy Hindu shrine in an enormous, monkey-filled limestone cavern.
Kuching, Malaysia

Sarawak Museum

The oldest museum in Borneo is a cornucopia of rare taxidermy and human skulls.
Kuching, Malaysia

Kuching Cat Museum

Two thousand feline artifacts fill Malaysia's "Cat City."
Ronggur Nihuta, Indonesia

The Toba Caldera

Site of the largest volcanic eruption in the last 25 million years, one which may have nearly wiped out humanity altogether.
Sukawati, Indonesia

Goa Gajah

The name of this ancient Indonesian temple translates as "Elephant Cave" but it could be more accurately called "The Hellmouth."