alicent256's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Herne Bay, England

Amy Johnson Statue

A statue paying homage to a world-record-setting aviator who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
Nara, Japan

Tōdai-ji Daibutsuden (The Great Buddha Hall)

This massive wooden building contains a giant Buddha, healing pillars, and tame deer wandering the grounds.
Mayang, India

Mayong - The Land of Black Magic

The Indian capital of black magic and witchcraft.
Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala


Guatemalan womanizer, venerated during Holy Week.
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania

Museum of Mourning Art

Arlington Cemetery exhibit dedicated to death and grieving.
Adams, Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave

Home of an evil witch famous within southern folklore.
New York, New York

Indian Rhinoceros Diorama

An eerie diorama that captures the majestic nature of a few prehistoric-looking beasts.
New York, New York

Asiatic Leopard Diorama

One of the most dazzling dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History is also one of the oldest.
New York, New York

Leopard Society Garb

Recovered suit of a cannibalistic West African gang.
High Wycombe, England

Mayor Weigh-In

17th-century tradition of public weighing is met with boos or cheers depending on the Mayor's weight.
St. Joseph, Minnesota

The Saint John's Bible

The first hand-illuminated, hand-written bible since the invention of the printing press.
Cornwall, England

St. Nectan's Kieve

A unique waterfall that some believe attracts the fairfolk.
Nara, Japan

Buddha's Nostril

Devoted Buddhists can earn enlightenment in the next life by crawling through this symbolic nostril.
Chitral District, Pakistan

Kalasha Valleys

Unique pagan culture in three extremely remote mountain valleys.
Old Ziro, India

The Apatani Tribal Village of Ziro

Hidden in the rain-forests of Arunachal Pradesh in Northeast India lies the village of Ziro, home to the Apatanis.
Luang Prabang, Laos

Tham Sakkarin Savannakuha

Abandoned limestone cave was once a sacred place of worship.
Koytendag, Turkmenistan

Kyrk Gyz Cave

A cave covered with bizarre stalactites of cloth.
Trani, Italy

Trani Cathedral

Three underground crypts and a pointed arch under the bell tower make this cathedral unique among Romanesque churches.
Harran, Turkey

Harran Beehive Houses

The ancient abodes are a testament to human ingenuity amid harsh climates.
Antwerp, Belgium

Elfde Gebod

According to this bar, God gave an “11th commandment” to Antwerp: Thou shalt drink beer.
Antwerp, Belgium

Nello and Patrasche

This statue dedicated to the story of a Flemish boy and his dog was relatively obscure in Belgium, but a cult sensation in Japan.
Larvik, Norway

Minnehallen: The Hall of Remembrance

Norway's national monument to fallen seamen.
Urfa, Turkey


A sacred lake with thousands of sacred carp and a biblical history.
Haut Saut d'Eau, Haiti

Saut-d'Eau Waterfalls

Thousands of Haitians travel to the waterfalls to ask the Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel and her voodoo counterpart Erzulie for healing in a yearly pilgrimage.