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Paris, France

Danse de la Fontaine Emergente

This Parisian fountain is a little bit fantasy and a little bit nightclub.
Paris, France

La Promenade Plantée

The first green space constructed on an elevated viaduct.
Paris, France

Statue of Death of the University of Medicine

Statue of death tucked in the University of Medicine courtyard.
Paris, France

Sculptures de Décure

Exquisite wall sculptures carved in secret by an early quarryman in an obscure corner of the Paris Catacombs.
Paris, France

Jules Lavirotte's 29 Avenue Rapp

A scandalous Art Nouveau collaboration that set Paris all atwitter at the turn of the century.
Paris, France

La REcyclerie

This Parisian café sticks almost exclusively to an ethos of reuse.
Paris, France

Foucault's Pendulum

19th century pendulum and a clock restored by a rogue group of guerilla artists.
Paris, France

Le Louxor Palais du Cinema

Egyptian Revival movie palace abandoned for decades and restored in 2013.
Paris, France

House of Nicolas Flamel

The oldest stone house in Paris was built by its most famous alchemist.
Paris, France

59 Rivoli

Notorious artist squat renovated into legal studios.
Paris, France

Père Lachaise Cemetery

France's most famous cemetery, with some of its most curious tombs.