johnmolnar1975's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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North Coogee, Australia

C.Y. O'Connor Horse and Rider

This drowning bronze monument marks the spot where one of Australia's great engineers died by suicide.
Guyra, Australia

Big Lamb

Monument to the area's potato and lamb industries.
Franklinford, Australia

'A Precinct For Gods'

This Franklinford, Australia site was once home to one of the remotest churches of its faith—in the fictional world of the Kcymaerxthaere.
Acton, Australia

Australian National University Classics Museum

A little-known museum of Ancient Roman and Ancient Greek artifacts.
South Brisbane, Australia

'The Dancers'

The unique work of art celebrates the 30th anniversary of the 1988 World Expo.
Lake Cathie, Australia

Big Bowl

Australian holiday town hosts world's largest bowling ball.
Adelaide, Australia

'A Day Out'

These bronze sculptures sow whimsy by hamming it up on a pedestrian mall.
Geelong, Australia

Geelong Bollards

More than 100 colorful residents stand post in this seaside Australian city.
Sydney, Australia

Charles Dickens Statue

This rare effigy of the author spent years lost in storage.
Kew, Australia

Big Axe

Giant wood sculpture in Kew first constructed in 1979.
Yerrinbool, Australia

Big Apple

Entrance to a famous orchard with nine types of apples.
Gundagai, Australia

Marble Masterpiece

A miniature cathedral made of 20,948 tiny pieces of marble.
Broken Hill, Australia

Titanic Bandsmen Memorial

A modest park memorial pays tribute to one of the Titanic's most revered storylines.
Tailem Bend, Australia

Old Tailem Town

This pioneer village is like a time capsule of 19th-century Australia.
Melbourne, Australia

'Mr. Lizard and Gumnut Baby' Statue

Children's author May Gibbs's beloved stories about the tiny, human-like "Gumnut Babies" are immortalized in bronze.
Brisbane, Australia

'The World Turns'

The sculpture shows a water rat turning the world upside-down, landing an elephant on its head.
Parramatta, Australia

St. John’s Cemetery

The oldest European burial ground in Australia.
Sydney, Australia

Australian Monument to the Great Irish Famine

A monument to the 4,114 Irish orphan girls who arrived in Australia between 1848 and 1850.
Hexham, Australia

Big Mosquito

Modeled after the big, ferocious Hexham Grey mosquito.
Perth, Australia

Bottle Cap Tree

Hundreds of people walk past this palm tree every day without spotting its secret.
Melbourne, Australia

Raising the Rattler Pole

Not the result of an accident, hurricane, or aliens, this is an eye-popping tribute to the Melbourne tram.
Taree, Australia

Big Oyster

Homage to the local produce now serves as a car dealer.
Wauchope, Australia

Big Bull

Large enough to house an internal gift shop.
Nicholls, Australia

Dinosaur Garden

Outside the National Dinosaur Museum, dozens of dinosaur statues and sculptures claim the landscape.