emilyrosenat98's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Box Hill, Australia
Places visited in Maldon, Australia
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Stromboli, Italy

Stromboli Island

A volcanic old faithful, Stromboli has been erupting continuously for the last 2000 years.
Canberra, Australia

Australian-American Memorial

From a distance, this statue of an eagle looks like a giant chicken on a stick.
Ainslie, Australia

All Saints Anglican Church

This church's unusual design comes from its previous life as a mortuary station.
Macquarie, Australia

The Big Owl

This roadside attraction became locally famous for its unintentionally phallic shape.
Kowen, Australia

1940 Canberra Air Disaster Memorial

This memorial marks the site of not only of a tragic wreck, but an event that led to the downfall of a wartime government.
Paddys River, Australia

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex

It's home to the antenna that received the first images of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
Tharwa, Australia

De Salis Cemetery

A rare and unique 19th-century pastoral burial site elevated off the ground.
Wellington, New Zealand


The world's first fully-fenced urban ecosanctuary is a haven for New Zealand's rare and endangered species.
Collector, Australia

Dreamer's Gate

One man's artistic vision is a small town government's legal battle.
Goulburn, Australia

Big Merino

Three-story concrete ram with a permanent gift shop.
Yerrinbool, Australia

Big Apple

Entrance to a famous orchard with nine types of apples.
Canberra, Australia

National Gallery Sculpture Garden

Dozens of large-scale, creative, evocative curios from prominent artists dot the calm outdoor space around this major museum.
Parkes, Australia

'The Astronomer'

A stargazing sculpture made from the ruins of an iconic telescope.
Melbourne, Australia

Model Tudor Village

A historic model village was gifted from residents of London to Melbourne as thanks for their help during World War II.
Melbourne, Australia

Diana and the Hounds Fountain

A striking bronze sculpture of a Roman goddess with two hound dogs for company.
Box Hill, Australia

Surrey Dive

This former brickworks pit is full of legends about its murky depths.
Box Hill, Australia

Box Hill Brick Works

A local landmark that has become a hub of graffiti and urban exploration.
Dandenong South, Australia

Hotel Eastlink

A roadside hotel that you can’t stop at. 
Mount Dandenong, Australia

William Ricketts Sanctuary

A collection of outdoor mystical statues paying homage to indigenous Australians and ecological stewardship.
Eltham, Australia


Australia's oldest artists' colony.
Daylesford, Australia

Daylesford Convent

This former convent has been reimagined as a community center for artists.
Mount Macedon, Australia

Mount Macedon Memorial Cross

A tribute to the fallen of World War I now honors all who have lost their lives to war.
Mount Macedon, Australia

Sanatorium Lake

This artificial lake was built to provide water for a planned facility that would treat tuberculosis patients.
San Remo, Australia

San Remo Pelicans

Locals have a long-running relationship with the big-beaked birds of this Australian fishing town.