sjmckendrick1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Gateside, Scotland

Bunnet Stane

This unusual rock looks like a giant, otherworldly mushroom sprouting atop a cave.
Keoldale, Scotland

Cape Wrath

The farthest northwesterly point of the British mainland is one of the most remote places in the Scottish Highlands.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Colinton Tunnel

This former train tunnel is filled with lines from a poem crafted by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Coade Stone Columns

It's a mystery how these curious columns wound up in an Edinburgh suburb.
Edinburgh, Scotland

New Calton Cemetery Watchtower

Overlooking the burial ground is a tower designed to prevent thieves from snatching the recently deceased.
Glenfinnan, Scotland

The Leaning Tower of Glenfinnan

A close look reveals that the Scottish monument is just slightly off-kilter.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Clach an Truseil

The 5,000-year-old megalith is believed to be Scotland's tallest standing stone.
Wigtown, Scotland

The Open Book

This seaside Scottish holiday rental lets you live out your bookselling dreams.
Perth and Kinross, Scotland

Ossian's Hall of Mirrors

Described by William Wordsworth as a "World of Wonder."
Edinburgh, Scotland

Balm Well

The healing properties of this well attracted royals and commoners throughout the Middle Ages.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Flannan Isle Lighthouse

What happened to the three lighthouse keepers who vanished from this place remains a mystery over a century later.
Stirling, Scotland

Beheading Stone

Legend says this rock was once a chopping block for public executions.
Aberdeen, Scotland

Brig o’ Balgownie

Scotland's oldest medieval bridge is also among the last reminders of early medieval Aberdeen.
Glasgow, Scotland

Rottenrow Gardens

A serene public space nestled within the remains of Glasgow’s Victorian maternity hospital
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Scotsman Steps

The colorful stairs are made with marble from the world's major quarries.
Orkney, Scotland


Thanks to both terrific preservation and historic vandalism this ancient site is known as the "Heart of Neolithic Orkney."
Lundin Links, Scotland

Lundin Links Standing Stones

A trio of giant megalithic stones in the middle of a golf course.
East Renfrewshire, Scotland

Rouken Glen Park Waterfalls

These semi-natural waterfalls hint at the park's Victorian-era industrial past.
Dumbarton, Scotland

Dumbarton Rock

This volcanic plug boasts the longest recorded history of any Scottish stronghold.
Edinburgh, Scotland

David Hume's Statue

Touching this 18th-century Scottish philosopher’s toe allegedly conjures good fortune.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow City Chambers' Staircase

The ornate structure is part of a building boasting more marble than the Vatican.
Failford, Scotland

Peden's Cave

A historic cave in Scotland once served as a hiding place for a famous Covenanter.
Comrie, Scotland

Cultybraggan WWII POW Camp

Built to hold the worst of the worst of the Nazi war prisoners.
Glasgow, Scotland

Loup of Fintry

This waterfall is one of the most spectacular natural features in the Scottish Lowlands.