sjmckendrick1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Highland, Scotland

Oil Rig Graveyard

Where the sleeping monsters of Scotland's oil industry are left to rust.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Quality Yard

Enter this small nook and you'll be surrounded by 360 degrees of street art.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Innocent Railway Path

The U.K.'s first underground railway line is now a lively thoroughfare for runners and cyclists.
Paisley, Scotland

Paisley Witches Memorial

The strange behavior of a tween led to allegations of witchcraft and a curse being placed on anybody within earshot.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Museum of Childhood

The world’s first museum dedicated to the history of childhood opened in Edinburgh in 1955.
Orkney, Scotland

Tomb of the Eagles

This Scottish burial tomb once held hundreds of ancient eagle bones.
Scottish Borders, Scotland

Great Polish Map of Scotland

This huge concrete map of Scotland was built as a thank you gift from a Polish soldier.
Orkney, Scotland

Cuween Hill Cairn

Enter the world under the hill at this ancient UK burial chamber.
East Wemyss, Scotland

Wemyss Caves

These ancient sea caves hold Britain's highest concentration of Pictish rock carvings.
Edinburgh, Scotland

George Mackenzie's Mausoleum

The tomb of one of Scotland's bloody historic villains is a magnet for bumbling desecrators.
Foyers, Scotland

Boleskine House

A Scottish manor with a history of mysterious fires, magic, and eccentric tales
Durness, Scotland

Smoo Cave

A sea cave with a waterfall and Viking past
Crawick, Scotland

Crawick Multiverse

Modern megaliths form this work of cosmic, Celtic landscape art.
Dunfermline, Scotland

Saint Margaret's Cave

A hidden tunnel leads to a medieval queen's shrine buried beneath a parking lot.
Glasgow, Scotland

St. Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art

This Scottish museum is the only one in the world to focus not on one religion but all of them.
Elie, Scotland

Elie Chain Walk

The only fixed chain and post trail in Scotland snakes its way along the base of a towering seaside cliff.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Book Sculptures

Anonymously sculpted and donated, these sculptures made from poetry books and pages are sprinkled around the city.
Clachan-Seil, Scotland

Clachan Bridge

The "Bridge Over the Atlantic" lets you cross the waterway in mere seconds.
Pittenweem, Scotland

St. Fillan's Cave

This tiny little cave was said to have been a refuge for a saint with a glowing arm.
Strathcarron, Scotland

Applecross Pass

This single-track road rewards brave drivers with stunning Scottish scenery.
Highland, Scotland

Dunrobin Castle

A castle in the Scottish Highlands has been continuously inhabited since the 1300s.
Lendalfoot, Scotland

Sawney Bean's Cave

Legend says this cave housed a 16th-century cannibal and his family of 48.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Writers' Museum

This small museum in a 17th-century building honors three iconic Scottish writers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle Dog Cemetery

The final resting place of soldiers' loyal canine companions.