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Vienna, Austria

Neidhart Frescoes

A glimpse into the festive and private lives of medieval Europe.
Vienna, Austria


This museum is dedicated to the little known ancient Roman history of Vienna.
Wien, Austria


Visiting this café is like visiting the Austrian grandma you wish you had.
Vienna, Austria

'Seen des Himmels' ('Lakes of the Sky')

In the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere, standing at this site just outside Vienna, Austria, the sky would have been found beneath your feet.
Vienna, Austria

Hofpavillon Hietzing

An ornate private entrance to the Vienna subway built specifically for the emperor.
Vienna, Austria

Otto Wagner Villa I (Ernst Fuchs Museum)

This grand manse has been transformed into a museum devoted to one of the founders of Fantastic Realism.
Vienna, Austria


A history of heat is on display at this unique Austrian museum.
Vienna, Austria

Windows For Peace

On a winding Vienna side street, one museum has turned their windows into a monument to history’s peace-minded heroes.
Vienna, Austria

Museumsquartier Passages

This series of Baroque passageways in Vienna's cultural center mix old architecture with modern art.
Vienna, Austria


Vienna's diversity-themed traffic lights were inspired by the Eurovision Song Contest.
Vienna, Austria

Esperanto Museum

Museum devoted to the artificial language of Esperanto.
Vienna, Austria

Flohmarkt Lager

Inside the corridors of this flea market, visitors are sure to find some obscure and odd treasures.
Vienna, Austria


A rooftop restaurant hides in plain sight atop Vienna's Palace of Justice.
Vienna, Austria

Flak Towers

Giant WWII fortresses that fired 8,000 rounds a minute, now home to thousands of pigeons.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Grand Ferris Wheel

Vienna's giant wonder wheel had a starring role in one of the greatest noir movies of all time.
Vienna, Austria

Gasometer Town

Apartment complexes built into huge repurposed natural gas tanks.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Sewer System

Vienna's underworld of tunnels and subterranean rivers made an iconic appearance in a 1949 Orson Welles film.
Vienna, Austria

Wolf and Cow Playing Backgammon Mural

A silly medieval mural preserved on the side of a Viennese house.
Vienna, Austria

Ungarisches Haus (Hungarian House)

The townhouse where the "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory started her murderous career.
Vienna, Austria

Naturhistorisches Museum

Beautiful Austrian natural history museum with carved ceilings and row after row of ancient taxidermy.
Vienna, Austria

"Stock-im-Eisen" Nail Tree

Legends surround an ancient tree trunk riddled with nails for good luck.
Vienna, Austria

Wotruba Church

This cubist Vienna church building looks like some sort of alien stonehenge.
Vienna, Austria

Hundertwasser's Odd Architecture

Op-art architecture designed for happiness.
Vienna, Austria


Located right outside of Vienna, visitors can take in expansive views of an ethereal forest.