kylebigkwilky's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Padua, Italy

Palazzo del Bo Anatomical Theater

The world's oldest surviving anatomical theater, where "the dead are pleased to help the living."
Mt. Jewett, Pennsylvania

Kinzua Bridge

Once the "Eighth Wonder of the World," this iron railroad bridge was decimated by a tornado.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Townhouse Secret Subway Exit

This innocent-looking townhome is actually a subway exit.
New York, New York

The Forgotten Entrance to Clinton Hall

Hidden in one of New York's oldest subway stations is the final remnant of the site of the bizarre Shakespeare Riots.
New York, New York

Abandoned 18th Street Subway Station

This abandoned subway station can still be seen on regular commuter trips.
New York, New York

The Secret Entrance to the Knickerbocker Hotel

An unassuming secret door once led to a legendary watering hole.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Berlin Wall Urinal

A piece of the iconic wall found an unlikely new home in a Vegas bathroom.
Tokyo, Japan

8bit Cafe

Transport yourself to the 1980s era of video games at this themed restaurant and bar.
Fort Meade, Maryland

Architect of the Capitol Archival Warehouse

A remote horde of architectural treasures fit for Indiana Jones.
Kobe, Japan

Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum

A collection of the specialized tools used to construct Japan’s beautiful architecture.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

International Intellectual and Puzzle Museum

An institution dedicated to curiosity, logic, riddles, and Mongolia's long history of puzzles.
Marianna, Arkansas

Jones Bar-B-Q Diner

One of the most acclaimed eateries in Arkansas is a two-table diner on the ground floor of a family home.
Kangaroo Island Council, Australia

Kangaroo Island Bee Sanctuary

An island off the coast of South Australia is home to the last purebred Ligurian bees.
Alofi, Niue


A tiny, remote island packed with wonders both natural and geeky.
Republic of Nauru


"The country that ate itself."
Marshall Islands

Cactus Dome

An enormous concrete structure built over a nuclear crater.
Two Harbors, Minnesota

3M Birthplace Museum

This institution celebrates the happy accidents of uncommon sticktoitiveness.
Bangkok, Thailand

Wat Mahathat (Temple of the Great Relic)

The headquarters of the Mahanikai school of Buddhism, Thailand's largest monastic order.
Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden's Floating Christmas Market

A market built atop boats is one of the few floating holiday markets in Europe.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Dry Bridge Market

You'll find just about anything in this funky Tbilisi flea market.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Shop #47 at Mwenge Woodcarvers Market

An exquisite and eclectic selection of African masks stands out within a massive woodcarving marketplace.
London, England

London Silver Vaults

Behind one of the world's most impenetrable vaults is a massive collection of retail silver.
Berlin, Germany


Berliners converted a bombed-out, disused lot into a community-run urban farm with its own cafe and bar.
Cornwall, England

The Eden Project

The largest greenhouse in the world is home to over one million types of plants.