calahanriley's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cripple Creek, Colorado

Victor Troll

Meet Rita the Rock Planter, one of Danish sculptor Thomas Dambo's enormous wooden trolls.
Dothan, Alabama

World’s Smallest City Block

This tiny, triangular block has held the world record since 1964.
Tonopah, Nevada

U.S. 6 in Nevada

A stretch of highway even lonelier than the so-called "Loneliest Road in America."
Conway, South Carolina

Venus Flytraps at Lewis Ocean Bay Heritage Preserve

A famous—but endangered—plant is on view at an unassuming nature preserve a quick drive from Myrtle Beach.
Cut Bank, Montana

Coldest Spot in America

A colossal concrete penguin announces this Montana town as the coldest spot in America. But is it really?
Last Chance, Colorado

Last Chance Module Array

Winter and summer solstice aligned sculpture in the middle of nowhere.
Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Otto the Otter

The world's largest otter started his life as a high school shop project.
Newton, Kansas

'Blue Sky Sculpture'

This vivid painted ceramic sculpture evokes the expansiveness of the prairie sky.
McLouth, Kansas

Rock in Road

A rock that was too big to move, so the town just paved around it.
Chanute, Kansas

Center of Google Earth Mural

A Google software engineer's Easter egg led to what may be the world's most unusual saved screenshot.
Butte, Montana

Silver Bow Twin Drive-In

A classic theatre located along a desolate Montana road.
Bainbridge Island, Washington

Pia the Peacekeeper

This 18-foot-tall public art installation is another of sculptor Thomas Dambo's trolls.
Salina, Kansas

'Mural at the Mill'

Salina's eye-catching giant mural depicting children at play is painted atop a century-old mill elevator.
Verdi, Nevada

Von Schmidt Monument

An iron monument on the 120th meridian as surveyed, one of only four marking the boundary between Nevada and California north of Lake Tahoe.
Banff, Alberta

Sulphur Mountain Cosmic Ray Station

Since its original beginnings as a weather observatory mountaintop, this facility played an instrumental role in gathering atmospheric data for almost 100 years.
Wendover, Utah

Historic Wendover Airfield

This pristine World War II airfield gives a comprehensive look at atomic development and aviation history.
Corona, New Mexico

'Cowboy Ruckus'

Catch two 18-foot-tall ranchers mid-brawl as you drive by on Highway 285.
Kuna, Idaho

Idaho Initial Point

A volcanic core jutting above the plain between the Snake and Boise Rivers, a marker identifies the reference point for all U.S. Government Surveys in Idaho.
Carbondale, Colorado

Redstone Coke Ovens

Once owned by the largest employer in Colorado, these ovens have been abandoned for over a century.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Knoxville Incline Overlook Park & Greenway

An abandoned incline railway site is now a green space with six acres of trails connecting hilltop neighborhoods.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Space Murals Museum

The entire history of the U.S. Space Shuttle Program is painted on an enormous roadside water tank.
Nye County, Nevada

Sailing Stones of Bonnie Claire Playa

Under the right conditions, rocks will move across this dry lakebed, leaving trails behind them.
Circleville, Ohio

World's Largest Pumpkin Water Tower

Circleville is seriously smitten with this giant gourd.
Cross Plains, Wisconsin

Matz Farmstead Ruins

Picturesque and haunting, these 160-year-old stone ruins on top of a bluff are the only remains of a settler's legacy.