tagliaboo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Amherst, Massachusetts

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sculpture

A seemingly out-of-place comic book surprise sits on the 21st floor of the tallest university library in the world. 
Dallas, Texas

Good Luck Gas Station

One of the last Art Deco gas station still standing in Dallas.
Dallas, Texas

'Eye' Sculpture

This downtown Dallas art installation is always on the lookout.
Dallas, Texas

Thanks-Giving Square

A serene temple with stunning stained glass hides in downtown Dallas.
Houston, Texas

Palace of the Golden Orbs

An unrealized Taoist palace left abandoned in a Houston suburb.
Houston, Texas

Art Car Museum

At the "Garage Mahal" in Houston, car culture is about more than just driving.
Houston, Texas

Downtown Houston Tunnel System

The largest underground pedestrian tunnel system in the U.S. mostly caters to the people working in the offices above, but provides a great, air-conditioned way to traverse the city.
Houston, Texas

David Adickes Studio

Giant heads occasionally litter the industrial Houston neighborhood where sculptor David Adickes has his studio.
Bixter, Scotland

Shetland Cake Fridges and Honesty Boxes

Across the islands, baked goods, sauces, and much more are for sale 24/7.