alexk's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alderson, West Virginia

Alderson Academy

This abandoned school has had many lives since the early 1900s, and all of them doomed.
Verzy, France

Faux de Verzy

Hundreds of dwarf beeches create an unusual, haunting forest in the north of France.

Umbrella Trees

Colorful umbrella-covered trees in Singapore's Little India look straight out of Dr. Seuss.
Gruyères, Switzerland

H.R. Giger Museum

The bizarre visions of H.R. Giger, tucked away in a Swiss medieval city.
Paris, France

Museum of Vampires

The macabre collection of Jacques Sirgent, an expert scholar on the undead and all of their trappings.
Buena Vista, Georgia


This folk art compound was built by a fortune teller on the advice of three people from the future.
Winchester, England

'Sound II' at Winchester Cathedral

This silent sentry in the crypt below a large Gothic cathedral is often knee-deep in water.
Zakinthos, Greece

Navagio Beach

Hidden in a secluded Greek cove is a pristine beach marred only by the rusting smuggler's hulk stranded on its shores.
Hot Springs, Arkansas

Maxwell Blade’s Odditorium and Curiosities Museum

An ever-growing collection of rare and strange objects owned by local Arkansas illusionist Maxwell Blade.
Venice, Italy

The Mad Colored Houses of Burano

This community on a small Venetian island has taken to painting their houses in bright neon hues.
Taichung City, Taiwan

Rainbow Family Village

Grandpa Rainbow felt the neighborhood needed some color, so he picked up a paintbrush and went to work.
Vernazza, Italy

Cinque Terre

Five candy-colored villages on the Italian Riviera.
Alpena, Michigan

Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

This protected area in Lake Huron contains some of the world’s best-preserved shipwrecks.
Cancún, Mexico

Museo Subacuático de Arte

Underwater art project will double as a massive artificial coral reef to help regenerate the damaged ecosystem.
Playa Blanca, Spain

Museo Atlántico

A completely underwater art museum sends a stark message about humans' impact on the environment.
Isahaya, Japan

Konagai's Fruit-Shaped Bus Stops

This town near Nagasaki is flecked with fruit-flavored bus stops.
Claines, England

Mug House Pub

This 15th century pub is one of only two pubs in England situated on consecrated ground.
Baturiti, Indonesia

Ghost Palace Hotel

An abandoned hotel in the highlands of Bali is shrouded in stories of ghosts, curses, and corruption.
Zhangjiajie, China

Avatar Hallelujah Mountain

This vertical pinnacle in China was the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.”

Shajarat-al-Hayat (Tree of Life)

This centuries-old tree tells an unusual tale of vegetation and fertility in the desert.
Martinsville, Illinois

Moonshine, Illinois

Even with only two residents and one building, this tiny Illinois town is famous for its burgers.
Alexandria, Virginia

The Grave of the Female Stranger

This grave marks the passing of a historic Jane Doe whose identity remains a mystery to this day.
Rome, Italy

The Mouth of Truth

The yawning maw of this pagan visage is said to bite off the hands of liars.
Bomarzo, Italy

The Monsters of Bomarzo

A 16th-century horror show built in a lovely Italian garden.