alohaxally's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Melbourne, Australia

The Johnston Collection

A remarkable lifelong collection of antiques and art preserved in a historic Melbourne townhouse.
Bowen, Australia

The Big Mango

One of Australia's famed "Big Things," this giant fruit was once stolen as part of a publicity stunt.
Kingston SE, Australia

Larry The Red Big Lobster

A massive metal lobster welcomes tourists to a roadside restaurant.
Adelaide, Australia

South Australian Museum

The largest collection of Indigenous Australian artifacts in the world, and the rare museum where wood-and-glass cabinets have trumped interactive exhibits.
Esperance, Australia

Skylab’s Remains

A tiny museum in Esperance, Australia, displays a bunch of space debris from NASA’s Skylab.
Langwarrin, Australia

McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park

For better or worse, this whimsical sculpture garden was a favorite place of Rupert Murdoch's.
Sydney, Australia

Purikura Photoland

People can't get enough of these adorable Japanese photobooths.
Melbourne, Australia

The Limelight Department

A cramped wooden attic that once housed one of the world's first movie studios.
North Coogee, Australia

The South Fremantle Power Station

The ruins of a once prosperous power station have become a mouldering seaside gem.
Newcastle, Australia

Newcastle City Morgue Echo Spot

By standing on a particular paving stone in the courtyard, you'll hear an echo that shouldn't be.
Sydney, Australia

Waverley Cemetery

A self-funded cemetery with a long list of inhabitants.
Mosman, Australia

Georges Head Battery

The yawning remains of a complex naval fortress still haunt this Australian shore.
Lord Howe Island, Australia

Lord Howe Island's Time

In a strange timezone anomaly, Daylight Saving Time here sets the clocks forward just 30 minutes.
Berriedale, Australia

Museum of Old and New Art (MONA)

This controversial museum includes such detested exhibits as a chocolate suicide bomber and fecal-smelling digestion machine.
Tanami East, Australia

Drunken Australian Parrots

The Australian lorikeets that like to tie one on in an annual drinking binge.
Magnetic Island, Australia

Magnetic Island

After much poking and prodding, this island is decidedly not a magnetic anomaly, but it sure is pretty.
Woombye, Australia

The Big Pineapple

A giant Australian fruit and tropical farm.
Ularring, Australia

Inside Australia

A series of eerie metal stick figures are spread out over four square miles on the bed of a huge salt lake in the Australian Outback.
Stanmore, Australia

Olympia Milk Bar

This odd 1930s shop remains stranded in time and shrouded in mystery.
Davenport, Australia

Wycliffe Well

The UFO capital of Australia is the outback’s answer to Roswell.
Coober Pedy, Australia

Crocodile Harry's Underground Nest & Dugout

This eccentric cave dwelling is bizarre even by the standards of a subterranean town.
Arthurs Seat, Australia

The Enchanted Maze Garden

Largest maize maze in the Southern hemisphere built with GPS technology on more than two acres.
Silverton, Australia

Mad Max 2 Museum

This shrine to film's most iconic wasteland wanderer is located in the very outback where the movies were shot.
Parkville, Australia

Melbourne Medical Museum

Australia's largest medical museum featuring a 19th-century pharmacy.