arcturus44's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Montignac, France

Cave of Lascaux

Ancient paintings known as the "Sistine Chapel of Cave Art."
Amiens, France

Jules Verne's Tomb

Science fiction's grandfather has a fittingly marvelous tomb.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Hauterives, France

Le Palais Idéal

This whimsical castle of grottoes was the labor of love of a French postman, and one of the greatest achievements of outsider architecture.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Changsha, China

General Tso's Tomb

The man who is mainly remembered for a chicken dish he had nothing to do with is buried under a large concrete dome.
Zigong, China

Zigong Dinosaur Museum

China's monumental dinosaur museum featuring an open dig site.
Bayingol, China

Alluvial Fan of the Taklimakan Desert

Made by river sediment, it is the largest alluvial fan in the world.
Beijing, China

Tian Yi's Tomb

The burial grounds of a Chinese eunuch who served his way into the highest levels of Imperial government.
Jiayuguan, China

Jiayuguan Fortress

The western-most fortress on the Great Wall of China has gone from a strategic stronghold to a kitschy tourist carnival.
Beijing, China

The Amazing Robots of Wu Yulu

A chinese farmer builds robots from scrap.
Beijing, China

Dongyue Temple

This sensational Chinese temple walks visitors through the 76 weird departments of the afterlife.
Meishan, China

Golden Summit Temple

A golden temple atop a sacred mountain, known for its giant effigy of the revered Pu Xian.
Zhangjiajie, China

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

The latest in a series of long glass bridges suspended at terrifying heights.
Chongqing, China

Dazu Rock Carvings

Comprised of thousands of cave temple carvings this cornucopia of ancient Chinese stone art is unrivaled anywhere in the world.
Pingdingshan Shi, China

Spring Temple Buddha

The largest statue in the world towers at 420 feet high atop another 66 feet of pedestal.
Yinchuan, China

West Xia Imperial Tombs

China's beehive-shaped pyramids house the remains of a lost kingdom.
Beijing, China

Beijing Capital Museum

Home to over 200,000 artifacts, this museum attempts to guide visitors through the ancient history of Beijing and Imperial China.
Shijiazhuang, China

Jade Burial Suits

Stone shrouds of Prince Liu Sheng and Princess Dou Wan of the Han Dynasty, created to preserve their flesh for eternity.
Shangrao, China

The Giant Buddha of Guifeng

China's mysterious record-setting sleeping Buddha.
Shanghai, China

Oriental Pearl Tower

The once highest point in China blends symbolic design with a kick of adrenaline.
Beijing, China

Beijing Ancient Observatory

This ancient Chinese observatory still contains early astronomy technology.
Luoyang, China

Longmen Grottoes

The field of tiny caves that mark this Chinese cliffside are each their own historic Buddhist temple.
Changsha, China

Giant Head of Mao Zedong

The world's largest statue of Mao Zedong looks out over the city where he discovered Communism.