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Weirton, West Virginia


In an odd geographic anomaly this city borders two different states on opposite sides of town.
Sutton, West Virginia

Flatwoods Monster Museum

In 1952, a strange encounter in the woods of West Virginia led to the legend of a 10-foot-tall monster with glowing eyes and a distinctive style.
Thurmond, West Virginia

Thurmond, West Virginia

Once connected to the outside world by a single train track, this ghost town is looked after by the National Park Service.
Weston, West Virginia

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

A particularly creepy abandoned hospital that sparks interest for lovers of the supernatural.
Crestone, Colorado

Crestone End of Life Project

Open-air cremations in Colorado's self-proclaimed spiritual mecca.
Bailey, Colorado

Coney Island Hot Dog Stand

This hot dog-shaped diner has moved all around Colorado, never been to New York.
Denver, Colorado

Mile-High Steps at the Colorado State Capitol

The spot in the Mile-High City that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (at least for now).
Leadville, Colorado

Leadville's Abandoned Silver Mine

Abandoned silver mine strewn with wrecked and twisted structures.
Calhan, Colorado

Paint Mines Interpretive Park

Wondrous sandstone hoodoos where Native Americans collected clay for pottery, 9,000 years ago.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Cañon City, Colorado

Skyline Drive

This razorback ridgeline has doubled as a scenic drive since the early 1900s.
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Gnome Road

A collection of fading fantasy tchotchkes lines this dirt road in the Colorado wilderness.
Denver, Colorado

History Colorado Center

This museum offers an actual time machine back through Colorado's past.
Trinidad, Colorado

Ludlow Massacre Site

The scene of one of the darkest moments in American labor history has been left essentially untouched since the tragedy.
Winter Park, Colorado

Devil's Slide Trestles

These decaying bridges 1,000 feet high are a reminder of the skill it took to cross the Colorado Rockies by rail.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Old Gold Camp Road Tunnels

The haunted reputation of these abandoned Colorado train tunnels is probably not helped by the terrifying spiked fence.
Central City, Colorado

Nevadaville Ghost Town

This deserted Gold Rush town is home to a Masonic lodge that, strangely enough, still holds meetings.
Evergreen, Colorado

Mount Blue Sky Scenic Byway

The highest paved road in North America winds its way up Mount Blue Sky in Colorado to an altitude of 14,130 feet above sea level.
Durango, Colorado

Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

This spectacular track has run continuously since 1882.
Cañon City, Colorado

Royal Gorge Bridge

The highest bridge in America was built for an almost unnervingly small amount of money.
Rye, Colorado

Bishop Castle

The largest self-built castle in the U.S., six decades in the making.
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."
Loveland, Colorado

Loveland’s Sweetheart Couple

A tribute to Loveland’s most famous sweethearts, who helped spread cupid’s message to millions.
Denver, Colorado

Denver Omelet Plaque

This sidewalk tribute honors Colorado's great culinary creation.