AzraelAlhazred's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery

The largest monastery in Singapore is home to a crematorium, a college, and one of Asia’s largest indoor Buddha statues.


This statue once earned the distinction as one of the "Three Major Disappointments of the World."

Kampong Lorong Buangkok

Singapore's last surviving traditional village is hidden among giant skyscrapers and modern infrastructure.

German Girl Shrine

A Singapore shrine to an unnamed German girl who has become a local deity.

House of Tan Teng Niah

This house is one of the most colorful in the country, and is the last remaining example of a historic villa.

World's First Salmon ATM

Frozen in Norway, vended in Singapore.

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

This rare wildlife haven in Singapore feels like you're in the tropical rainforest.

The Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum

Terrapins of all colors and shapes are quick to bring fascination (and possibly long life) at this museum.

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum

This $62 million dollar temple was erected to house one little dental fragment of religious history.

Haw Par Villa

A Buddhist theme park brings you a Buddhist version of Hell.

Singapore's Rooftop Pool

The largest pool at its elevation sits on top of one of the most expensive resorts in the world.

Gardens by the Bay

Singapore's landscaping project is home to 18 incredible Supertrees.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Merdeka Square Flagpole

One of the world's tallest flagpoles.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Royal Malaysian Police Museum

This surprising museum tells the story of modern Malaysia through the history of its law enforcement.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery Canteen

Come for the chanting, stay for the monastical vegan buffet.
Bangkok, Thailand

Wat Mahabut

A shrine honoring a legendary ghost bride lies within this vibrant temple.
Bangkok, Thailand

Democracy Monument

Bangkok celebrated its shifting monarchy with a militaristic homage to democracy.
Bangkok, Thailand

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

Buddhist university that allows English-language speakers the opportunity to study with monks in Thailand.
Bangkok, Thailand

Erawan Shrine

A shrine built to combat the bad karma of a commercial venture.
Bangkok, Thailand

Elephant Building

This Bangkok high-rise looks like a rudimentary LEGO elephant.
Tambon Phra Prathom Chedi, Thailand

The Abandoned Bangkok Mansions

Abandoned mini-mansions that were once intended for affluent Bangkok families now sit empty.
Bangkok, Thailand

Counterfeit Goods Museum

A museum in a law office, filled with authentic and counterfeit goods.
Bangkok, Thailand

Wat Mahathat (Temple of the Great Relic)

The headquarters of the Mahanikai school of Buddhism, Thailand's largest monastic order.
Bangkok, Thailand

Half-Century-Old Soup

At a Bangkok bistro, one pot of beef stew has been cooking non-stop for more than 45 years.