tropic0fcancer18's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Diego, California

El Campo Santo Cemetery

This historic graveyard was partially paved over to create a streetcar line.
Huntsville, Alabama

Dead Children's Playground

What else would you call a playground hidden in Alabama's oldest and largest cemetery?
Harvard, Massachusetts

Harvard Shaker Lollipop Graveyard

This historic cemetery is filled with markers that look more like candy than was likely intended.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

The Bulb River

35,000 grape hyacinths flow like water down a garden hill.
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania

Concrete City

Buildings that dynamite couldn't bring down were abandoned because of bathroom issues.
Pittston, Pennsylvania

Abandoned Knox Coal Distribution Center

The graffitied ruins stand hidden within the Pennsylvania woods.
Danbury, Connecticut

Sybil Ludington Statue

A statue commemorating a 16-year old girl's nighttime ride to raise a militia against attacking British troops.
Middletown, Connecticut

Joseph Barratt's Grave

The gravestone of an eccentric Connecticut doctor features dinosaur tracks and a pair of fossil tree casts.
Lowell, Massachusetts

Jack Kerouac's Grave

According to legend, Bob Dylan sneaks in twice a year to eat dinner with Jack.
Mansfield, Connecticut

Epiphyte Tree

An artificial tree in the University of Connecticut greenhouses holds a collection of orchids, mosses, and other tropical epiphytic plants.
San Antonio, Texas

Buckhorn Saloon and Museum

A 131-year-old wunderkammer of Texas history.
San Antonio, Texas

Hot Wells Hotel and Spa

Ruins of a once-opulent grand Victorian resort.
Benham, Kentucky

Benham Schoolhouse Inn

Wander the locker-lined, terrazzo-floored halls and sleep in a former classroom at this unique inn.
Plano, Texas

The Cockroach Hall of Fame Museum

Cockroach Museum features roach celebrities and live hissing cockroaches.
San Angelo, Texas

Blood Lake: the O.C. Fisher Reservoir

The end of times arrives, at least for the fish in the O.C. Fisher Reservoir.
Phoenix, Arizona

Curious Nature

In this small Phoenix taxidermy emporium, you can find everything from a squid in a jar to a freeze-dried toad.
Rugby, North Dakota

The Geographical Center of North America

A monument to the center of the North American continent may be off by a few miles.
Detroit, Michigan

Murals in the Market

Detroit’s Eastern Market has been transformed into an outdoor museum with colorful murals that address social issues and symbolize the city.
Detroit, Michigan

John K. King Used & Rare Books

This sprawling bookstore spans four floors and has more than a million books in stock.
Jerusalem Township, Ohio

Turtle Island

Small, privately owned island divided between Michigan and Ohio with abandoned vacation homes and a derelict lighthouse.
Thompson, Ohio

Benjamin Orr's Grave

The final resting place of one of the most iconic musicians of the '80s.
Mansfield, Ohio

Mansfield Memorial Museum

The permanent home of Elektro, the celebrity automaton of the 1939 World's Fair.
Put-in-Bay, Ohio

Crystal Cave

Take a drunken tour inside the world's largest known geode.
Huntington, Vermont

Birds of Vermont Museum

Wood carving meets bird conservation at this museum showcasing the life's work of one man.