yougogh1st's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Atlanta, Georgia

Trader Vic's

Mai Tais and Navy Grog served up in one of the original tiki bars.
Atlanta, Georgia

Folk Art Park

A psychedelic tribute to one of Georgia's most unique artistic visionaries, out of place and time in the heart of Atlanta.
Cherokee, North Carolina

Bat Creek Stone

Cherokee alphabet, proof of ancient North American Jews, or just a hoax?
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Salt & Pepper Shaker Museum

Over 20,000 sets of spice shakers reveal the surprisingly telling history of our most basic spices.
Huntsville, Alabama

The Grave of Miss Baker

Bananas are often left for the first monkey America ever recovered alive after being launched into space.
Munfordville, Kentucky

Kentucky's Stonehenge

A local scoured more than 1,000 acres for stone to create his masterpiece.
Summerville, Georgia

Corpsewood Manor

Crumbling ruins mark the site of a couple's grisly murder in the woods.
Mineral Bluff, Georgia

The Zoo, Groovy Yard Art

The only zoo where you can buy animals that won't need feeding.
Adams, Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave

Home of an evil witch famous within southern folklore.
Scottsboro, Alabama

Unclaimed Baggage Center

One person's lost luggage is another person's treasure.
Fackler, Alabama

Neversink Pit

This natural wonder drops 16 stories straight down through rare flora and streaming waterfalls.