birresus's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Memphis, Tennessee

Peabody Hotel Duck March

Every day a troupe of pampered water fowl walk the red carpet to their favorite fountain.
Batavia, Illinois


World's second largest particle accelerator, where nature reveals its secrets.
St. Charles, Illinois

Al Capone's Hideaway & Steakhouse

A onetime gangsters' hideaway where you can dine on steaks, fine wines, and cigars just like they once did.
Schaumburg, Illinois

'The Awaking Muse'

The face of a woman pushes its way through the earth.
Farmington Hills, Michigan

Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum

Astounding collection of coin-operated games and automata.
Felicity, California

Felicity, California: Center of the World

Semi-recognized center of the world, with many oddities.
Culver City, California

Center for Land Use Interpretation

A museum, art project, and institution that demands we look at the world around us in a strange new way.
Escondido, California

Queen Califia's Magical Circle

A large sculptural artwork and garden in Escondido, California.
Venice, Italy

The Mad Colored Houses of Burano

This community on a small Venetian island has taken to painting their houses in bright neon hues.
Culver City, California

The Wende Museum

Home to secret Eastern Bloc spy equipment and the largest stretch of the original Berlin Wall outside of Germany.
Goodsprings, Nevada

Pioneer Saloon

The wild west is still alive and well at this authentic mining town watering hole.
San Luis Obispo, California

The Dorn Pyramid

A Mysterious Masonic tomb in San Luis Obispo.
Woodside, California

Djerassi Ranch

Successful artist residence program has filled this ranch with dozens of sculptures over the years.
San Diego, California

San Diego Museum of Us

An extraordinarily ornate museum in San Diego holds wondrous anthropological treasures.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

The Last Shell Oil Clamshell Station

This bright yellow relic is the final survivor of a short burst of seashell-shaped petrol pumps.
Pasadena, California

California Cactus Center

A nursery specializing in strange and beautiful succulents and cacti.
Kansas City, Missouri


The "World's Largest Underground Business Complex," a 55,000,000-square-foot city underneath Missouri.
Simi Valley, California

Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village

An eccentric folk art landmark made out of discarded bottles by an inspired "grandma."
Mecca, California

Salton Sea History Museum

A museum dedicated to a sea that should have never been.
Quakertown, Pennsylvania

Rosicrucian Pyramids of Bucks County

The headquarters of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, complete with Rosicrucian pyramids, all in the Pennsylvania woods.
Washington, D.C.

National Museum of Crime and Punishment

America's Most Wanted's set resides in this tribute to the history of crime and punishment.
Fremont, California

Berkeley Mystery Walls

Neither Spanish settlers nor anyone since has been able to tell who built these strange California rock walls.
Santa Monica, California

Route 66 End of the Trail Sign

A sign at the end of the Santa Monica Pier marks the traditional end of the legendary American highway.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Library's Community Bookshelf

Community bookshelf of 25-foot-tall book spines.