blueheron28's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Menlo Park, California

The Great Spirit Path

A trail weaves through the verses of a poem illustrated by stone sculptures inspired by Native American pictographs.
Olomouc, Czechia

'The Thief'

A cheeky reminder about the value of art dangles above one of Olomouc's busiest streets.
Postojna, Slovenia


The "dragon babies" of southeastern Europe.
Baker City, Oregon

The Great Salt Lick

A bronze replica of half-consumed salt lick honors a quirky town tradition.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'Dreaming Spires'

Poetic, metallic giraffes adorn a square off an Edinburgh thoroughfare.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wooden Animal Sculptures

Another entry into the world of Edinburgh's pop-up artworks.
Brooklyn, New York

Abu's Homestyle Bakery

This family-owned bakery is one of the last places in Brooklyn to sell the Nation of Islam–inspired bean pie.
Aachen, Germany

Printen Museum

This bakery and museum offers tours of the tastes and mythology of Aachen's signature spice biscuit—just don't ask for the recipe.
Radovljica, Slovenia

Lečtarski Museum

Nibble as you learn about Slovenia's longstanding tradition of making beautiful honey cookies.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Cosmic Moose and Grizzly Bear’s Ville

One man's psychedelic fence is painted with his cacophonous folk art musings on the world.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT Museum: Arthur Ganson

Bouncing, delightful, mechanical art at the MIT Museum.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kennedy Biscuit Lofts

Whimsical cookie-themed plaques mark the birthplace of the Fig Newton.
Sydney, Australia

Eric the Pliosaur

The bones of this aquatic dinosaur turned to opal over the centuries and the beast's remains were almost sold as jewelry.
Saariselkä, Finland

Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort

Rent out a glass igloo to watch the Northern Lights like you live in the future.
Sirkka, Finland

HaliPuu's Campfire Barista

In the Hugging Tree Forest, lingonberry marshmallows, hot chocolates, and the best campfire lattes north of the Arctic Circle come to you.
Nankoku, Japan

Yuzuan Restaurant

Come for the fish sundae, stay for the collection of Studio Ghibli cat buses.
Plymouth, England

The Leviathan

Overlooking the spot where the Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower stands Devon's answer to the Colossus of Rhodes.
Kitagawa, Japan

Monet's Garden Marmottan

Nope, not the one in France. The only officially-recognized reproduction of Monet’s garden in Giverny is located in a remote corner of Japan.
Cedar Key, Florida

Heart of Palm Salad

This salad has two key ingredients: hearts of palm and green ice cream.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Official Bad Art Museum of Art

Seattle's own bad art museum located inside Cafe Racer.
Seattle, Washington

Off the Rez Cafe

Where else would a linchpin of post-colonial Native American cuisine anchor the menu but a museum?
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Great Spring

A tiny plaque marks the location of the water source that facilitated the birth of modern-day Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Exchange Place Staircase to Nowhere

The remnants of a Gilded Age elegance preserved in the middle of a stark modern tower.