blurcitylights's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Cactus Store

The neighborhood shop is a sort of tiny cactus museum full of exotic specimens you can take home.
Los Angeles, California

Screen Novelties

This Los Angeles animation studio is keeping the wonder of stop motion puppetry alive.
Los Angeles, California

The Bonaventure Hotel

The space-age building is home to one of the few remaining rotating restaurants in America, and the only one that inspired a 1980s sitcom.
Los Angeles, California

Clifton's Cafeteria

Giant Redwood-themed cafeteria operates under the golden rule, "Dine Free Unless Delighted."
Los Angeles, California

Bradbury Building

The legendary building that needed ghostly approval before being built.
Manhattan Beach, California

Light Gate

The sun acts as a key that only fits this giant keyhole twice a year.
Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Point Vicente Lighthouse

A "haunted" landmark on the coast of Southern California.
Casa Grande, Arizona

The Domes

An abandoned facility that has become a place of ritualistic satanic worship, or so rumor has it.
Pioneer, Louisiana

Poverty Point World Heritage Site

This ancient settlement contains some of the largest earthen mounds in North America.
Flora, Mississippi

Mississippi Petrified Forest

A preserved stretch of ancient fossilized trees with an impressive gem collection to boot.
Washington, D.C.

Frederick Douglass's House, Cedar Hill

The famous abolitionist’s preserved estate is one of Washington's finest monuments to its great Black citizens.
Goldvein, Virginia

Hornet Balls

These massive concrete balls were used to mine gold in Virginia.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Abandoned National Slavery Museum

An overgrown garden stands as a grim marker of an unrealized dream.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Chatham Catalpas

These trees are living witnesses to events that inspired poet Walt Whitman’s service during the American Civil War.
Richmond, Virginia

Evergreen Cemetery

This labyrinthine resting place of Black American leaders has been reclaimed by nature.
Richmond, Virginia

The Markel Building

Inspired by a foil-wrapped potato, (seriously) the Markel Building has been deemed one of the 10 ugliest buildings in the world.
Charlottesville, Virginia

Monticello's Vegetable Garden and Fruitery

Thomas Jefferson's estate is home to hundreds of varieties of historic fruits and vegetables.
Barboursville, Virginia

Barboursville Ruins

The ruins of this Thomas-Jefferson-designed mansion have been left to crumble since the Christmas Day they burnt down.
Donora, Pennsylvania

5th Street Steps

Each step is a mere four inches tall, said to be measured by the stride of a woman wearing a hobble skirt.
Lima, Ohio

Kewpee Hamburgers

This burger joint is named after everyone's favorite carnival prize and is adorned with a giant one over the door.
Celina, Ohio

Langsdon Mineral Collection

A county library in rural Ohio houses one of the finest mineral collections in the world.
Fort Wayne, Indiana

Grave of Johnny Appleseed

This grave marks the final resting place of pioneer John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed.
Blue Earth, Minnesota

Jolly Green Giant Statue

This massive roadside mascot was the first version of the giant to illustrate his butt.
University Park, Illinois

Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park

A sprawling outdoor museum filled with larger-than-life works of art.