bridgesinbrazil's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Leicester, England

King Richard III's Car Park

More than 500 years after his death, a medieval ruler's remains were found buried under a parking lot.
Tregynon, Wales

Gregynog Hall

A grand mansion in rural mid-Wales gifted to the Welsh people by two sisters.
Carmarthenshire, Wales

The Great Welsh Amelia Earhart Controversy

Where, exactly, the great aviator completed her transatlantic flight has caused some trouble in Wales.
Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Wales


This Welsh village gave itself a ridiculous name in a publicity stunt a century ahead of its time.
London, England

Admiral's House

An eccentric 18th century naval officer built a ship's quarterdeck on his roof, the inspiration for Mary Poppins's "Admiral Boom."
Lincolnshire, England

Bowthorpe Oak

England’s ancient oak tree has such an impressive girth, people have been hosting parties within the hollow trunk for centuries.
Friskney, England

RAF Wainfleet Control Tower

The control tower at the historic weapons range is now available as a highly unusual vacation rental.
Dunwich, England

The Last Grave

This melancholy headstone is the only remaining evidence of a medieval church lost to the sea.
Brighton, England

The Daddy Long Legs Seashore Railway

The remnants of a strange stilted building on rails can still be seen at low tide.
Hove, England

The Goldstone

This craggy boulder is fabled to be either a druidic relic or Satan's stumbling block.
London, England

Camera Museum

This museum tucked below a charming cafe gives a brief snapshot of photographic history.
Seaham, England

'Eleven 'O' One'

Locals affectionately dubbed this World War I memorial "Tommy."
Hartlepool, England

Hartlepool Monkey Memorial

The legend of a monkey that was hanged as a spy has inspired not only a football team name, but a successful mayoral campaign.
Berlin, Germany

Arthouse Tacheles

An old department store turned Nazi prison turned artist commune.
Berlin, Germany

Ballhaus Riviera

The music is over at the Ballhaus Riviera Ballroom, but the ballroom remains in haunting disrepair.
Berlin, Germany

Moses Mendelssohn Memorial

The original burial place of this preeminent 18th-century Jewish philosopher was razed by the Nazis.
Berlin, Germany

Tegel Creek Water Buffaloes

The non-native bovine herd was brought in to help conserve these Berlin wetlands.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Schönefeld, Germany

'Der Fall Daidalos und Ikaros' ('The Case of Daedalus and Icarus')

This curious sculpture represents the perseverance needed to take to the skies.
Berlin, Germany

The 'Hand with Watch' Sculpture

Known simply as "The Hand," this famous public sculpture in Berlin was featured in a Depeche Mode music video.
Berlin, Germany

Denkzeichen Georg Elser

A monument to the man who almost killed Hitler.
Berlin, Germany

Friedrichsfelde Socialist Cemetery

The final resting place of many of Germany's most famous communists.
Berlin, Germany

Soviet Graffiti in the Reichstag

The walls of Germany's Parliament still show the scars of the Red Army takeover in World War II.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.