caitlinrm1127's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Parkes, Australia

Parkes Radio Telescope

This giant dish located in a sheep paddock was the primary receiver of Apollo 11 TV transmissions.
White Cliffs, Australia

White Cliffs

Australia's first opal field led to a mining rush in the 1890s.
Broken Hill, Australia

Broken Hill Sculpture Symposium

Twelve sculptures designed to make their best showing with the coming or going of the sun.
Silverton, Australia

Mad Max 2 Museum

This shrine to film's most iconic wasteland wanderer is located in the very outback where the movies were shot.
Kingston SE, Australia

Larry The Red Big Lobster

A massive metal lobster welcomes tourists to a roadside restaurant.
Mount Gambier, Australia

Umpherston Sinkhole

An incredible garden taking over the interior of a massive sinkhole.
Swan Hill, Australia

Pioneer Settlement

Australia's first open air museum and antique 3D theater.
Sea Lake, Australia

Lake Tyrrell

Victoria's largest salt lake is a favorite haunt for photographers and stargazers.
Heywood, Australia

Budj Bim Cultural Landscape

The Gunditjmara Aboriginal people of Australia began construction on this vast aquacultural complex 6,600 years ago.
Alvie, Australia

Red Rock

One of the youngest volcanic eruption sites in Australia.
Raymond Island, Australia

Gippsland Lakes Bioluminescence

Australian Lake set aglow by Noctiluca Scintillans.
Toora, Australia

Toora Dog Tree

A carved tribute to these artist's furry friends.
Wilsons Promontory, Australia

Skull Rock (Cleft Island)

A unique rock formation that only a few have managed to venture inside.
Nicholls, Australia

Dinosaur Garden

Outside the National Dinosaur Museum, dozens of dinosaur statues and sculptures claim the landscape.
Paddys River, Australia

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex

It's home to the antenna that received the first images of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
Helensburgh, Australia

Glowworm Tunnel

An abandoned railroad tunnel is now filled with bioluminescent bugs.
Collector, Australia

Dreamer's Gate

One man's artistic vision is a small town government's legal battle.
Reids Flat, Australia

Empire of Atlantium

The smallest country in Australia is a principled little thing with a friendly emperor.
Jenolan, Australia

Nettle Cave Tour in Klingon

The first tourist attraction to offer tours for interstellar tourists.
Katoomba, Australia

The Giant Stairway

A massive stairway that almost wasn't leads to one of Australia's most scenic vistas.
Katoomba, Australia

Odd Mountain

A small curiosity shop with items ranging from antique medical supplies to taxidermied animals.
Kariong, Australia

Gosford Glyphs

These glyphs have long been attributed to ancient Egyptians, or maybe they're just a hoax.
Wentworth Point, Australia

SS Ayrfield

Nature is leading a successful mutiny on this century-old freighter.
St Leonards, Australia

Gore Hill Cemetery

One of Sydney's oldest graveyards hides in plain sight behind a hospital.