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Viry-Noureuil, France

Le Jardin Coquillage

The somewhat misnamed 'Garden of Shells' lovingly built from found objects.
Auvers-sur-Oise, France

Musée de l'Absinthe

One woman's decades-long obsession with the "La Fée Verte."
Saint-Ouen, France

Alain Baroux's Antique Curiosity Cabinet

An antique curios dealer and hybrid taxidermist.
Saint-Ouen, France

François Richard's Scientific Devices and Odd Machinery

A charming flea market shop dedicated to retrofuturistic apparati.
Paris, France

La REcyclerie

This Parisian café sticks almost exclusively to an ethos of reuse.
Brooklyn, New York

Dead Horse Bay

First a horse rendering plant, then a 19th century landfill, this beach is full of glass from thousands upon thousands of broken bottles.
Lagos, Nigeria

Makoko Floating School

The innovative Nigerian floating school that may just be a glimpse into the future of design in a world of troubling climate changes.
Cairo, Egypt

The Aquarium Grotto Garden

A strange aquarium with stuffed fish, and almost no water for them to swim in.
Hauterives, France

Le Palais Idéal

This whimsical castle of grottoes was the labor of love of a French postman, and one of the greatest achievements of outsider architecture.
Peaugres, France

Labyrinthe des Dragons

One of the greatest maze designer’s greatest mazes.
Lyon, France

Testut-Latarjet Museum

Nicknamed the "Museum of Horrors," this French anatomical collection has been fascinating visitors for over a century.
Lyon, France

The Flower Tree

A colorful piece of contemporary art cheerfully clashes with Lyon's historical architecture.
Lyon, France

Astronomical Clock of Lyon

For hundreds of years, automatons moving to metallic music have been marking the passage of time.
Lyon, France

Traboules Secret Passages

Hundreds of hidden passageways weave through the old quarters of Lyon.
Lyon, France

Musée Miniature et Cinéma

Monsters and miniatures are held in equal esteem at this wondrous museum.
Lyon, France

Jardin Rosa Mir

A tiled, multi-level garden of survival in Lyon.
Saint-Étienne, France

Maison sans Escalier (The House Without Stairs)

An architectural oddity of six stories, accessed by graceful ramps.
Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or, France

The Abode of Chaos

An art world insider finds himself battling for his artistic home.
Pont-en-Royans, France

Suspended Houses of Pont-en-Royans

These quaint French houses dangle precariously over a precipice.
Civrieux-d'Azergues, France

Le Jardin de Nous Deux

The fantastic architectural models of a French traveler.
Valence, France

Heart of Pope Pius VI

When the imprisoned pope's remains were finally returned to the Vatican, his heart stayed behind in France.
Grenoble, France

Canard Digérateur de Vaucanson (Vaucanson's Digesting Duck)

Vaucanson's most famous automaton, brought back to life.
Saint-Bonnet-le-Château, France

Collégiale de Saint-Bonnet-Le-Château

Natural mummies hidden in the crypt of a medieval French church.
Chaudeyrolles, France

Burle Triangle

A snowy highland notorious for unexplained aircraft crashes is France's own Bermuda Triangle.