carrienfuentes's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Thale, Germany

Hexentanzplatz (Witches' Dance Floor)

This enchanting mountain plateau celebrates spooky local folklore.
Strasbourg, France

Château Musée Vodou

This fascinating museum in an old water tower holds the world's largest collection of Vodou artifacts from western and central Africa.
Arcozelo, Portugal

Capela do Senhor da Pedra

Picturesque intersection of witchcraft and ancient Christianity.
Zugarramurdi, Spain

Museo de las Brujas (Witches Museum)

A museum dedicated to the Spanish occult in a town that was terrorized by the Inquisition.
Triora, Italy

The Town Of Witches

The location of the last witch trials of Italy, known as "The Salem of Europe."
Massa Marittima, Italy

Massa Marittima Mural

Does this strange mural depict witches battling beneath a penis tree?
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

Carrickfergus Witches' Pillory

A replica memorializes the site where women were punished after the last witchcraft trial in Ireland.
Mayang, India

Mayong - The Land of Black Magic

The Indian capital of black magic and witchcraft.
Gränichen, Switzerland

Hexenmuseum Schweiz

The excellent Swiss museum of witchcraft is led by a modern witch.
Zugarramurdi, Spain

Cave of Zugarramurdi

This Navarrese cave's history of witchcraft and pagan ritual is not just embraced, but recreated each year.
Danvers, Massachusetts

Salem Village Parsonage

Located just behind a quiet residential neighborhood, this is ground zero for the Salem witchcraft hysteria of 1692.
Lusaka, Zambia

Lusaka National Museum's Witchcraft Exhibit

Artifacts showcasing the witchy history of Zambia.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.
Cleveland, Ohio

Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick

A collection of Witchcraft artifacts and occult paraphernalia started by the leader of the Long Island Coven.
Norwich, England

Norwich Castle Museum

This medieval castle is filled with an eccentric collection that ranges from ancient Egyptian artifacts to taxidermy to a mummified hand that was cut off during a duel.
York, England

The Roman Bath

The remains of an ancient bathhouse sit inside this aptly-named pub.
Felsted, England

The Felsted Hag

This 400-year-old house tells a tale of witchcraft and woodwork.
Glastonbury, England

Tomb of Dion Fortune

The final resting place of one of the most influential modern occultists.
Salford, England

Salford Lads' Club

This historic club for wayward boys has shaped some of the biggest names in music almost as much as they have shaped it.
Margate, England

Margate Caves

This forgotten chalk mine was reopened thanks to a massive effort from the local community.
Great Leighs, England

The Witch Stone of Great Leighs

Near this allegedly haunted pub, you can find strong spirits on the rocks.
Guildford, England

'Alice and the White Rabbit'

This sculpture combines the literary Alice with her real-life inspiration.
Reading, England

Thames Lido

Soak up some local history in this restored Edwardian era swimming pool.