chainofprospit's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Internet Archive Headquarters

The grand, column-fronted, sculpture-adorned home of the ambitious digital library.
San Francisco, California

Treasure Island

A man-made island in scenic San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company

One of the oldest producers of hand-folded fortune cookies still uses its original secret recipe.
San Francisco, California

Tenderloin National Forest

A speck of nature and art in one of San Francisco’s most notorious neighborhoods.
San Francisco, California

Hotel Majestic

San Francisco's oldest operating hotel, with a Victorian atmosphere and a "haunted" fourth floor.
San Francisco, California

Free Gold Watch

This print shop boasts one of the largest pinball arcades in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Balmy Alley Murals

Since 1973, this block has been home to the most concentrated collection of murals in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Chamber of Secrets Door

This residential door allows San Francisco muggles a glimpse at the wizarding world.
San Francisco, California

Letterform Archive

A library and museum dedicated to typography.
San Francisco, California

The Old Ship Saloon

A Barbary Coast watering hole built into a Gold Rush shipwreck.
San Francisco, California

The Wreck of the King Philip

This partially buried wreck is one of the most complete of its kind but is only revealed when the sea allows.
San Francisco, California

Hotel Vertigo

A historic hotel that made a cameo in Hitchcock's classic film has no intention of letting guests forget its fame.
San Francisco, California

Church of 8 Wheels

This 19th-century church is now a popular roller rink.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Center for the Book

This shop and studio is dedicated to the art of the book, from letterpress to bookbinding.
San Francisco, California

Book Club of California

In this century-old literary safehouse, print is alive and well.
San Francisco, California

Fort Miley Batteries

Big gun installations, built over a massive cemetery, now abandoned & hidden in trees.
San Francisco, California

The Shipwrecks at Land's End

A 300-ship graveyard, with a few still visible at low tide.
San Francisco, California

Aquatic Park Tombstones

Visible below the waves are memorials to the city's Gold Rush dead.
San Francisco, California

Bourbon & Branch

A nondescript building that's been functioning as a speakeasy for nearly a century and a half.
San Francisco, California

The Pirate Supply Store at 826 Valencia

An essential stop before plundering, BYO Cutlass.
San Francisco, California

Land’s End Octagon House

The one-time watch house for incoming ships at the Golden Gate now stands abandoned and hidden in trees.
San Francisco, California

Ruins of the Sutro Baths

The seawater playground of gilded-era San Francisco burned to the ground in 1966.
San Francisco, California

Esmeralda Slide Park

A pair of slides and a tree-lined stair corridor have been an urban oasis for nearly 40 years.
San Francisco, California

Institute of Illegal Images

A museum befitting the city responsible for supplying the majority of the world's LSD.