chellegola77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Brussels, Belgium

Jeanneke Pis

Brussels' favorite peeing boy has a sister.
Lainate, Italy

Ninfeo di Villa Litta

An ancient artistic garden parlor full of hidden water wonders.
Venice, Italy

Libreria Acqua Alta

This Venice bookstore has resigned itself to constant flooding by keeping its books in bathtubs and boats.
Dolomites, Italy

Via Ferrata Pisciadù

A climbing route in the mountains of Italy’s Dolomites, built for soldiers during World War I.
Budapest, Hungary

Steve Jobs Memorial Statue

The world’s first statue of the late Apple co-founder.
Budapest, Hungary

Ronald Reagan Statue in Budapest

A statue in Budapest's Liberty Square honors the former U.S. president's efforts to end the Cold War.
Budapest, Hungary

Szimpla Kert

A Trabant car, a kangaroo statue, and a plethora of plants take over this abandoned-factory-turned-bar.
Budapest, Hungary

Péter Mansfeld Monument

This statue of a falling man commemorates a teenage martyr of the Hungarian Revolution.
Budapest, Hungary

Columbo Statue

Uh, pardon me, ma'am, but I couldn't help noticing that there's a Columbo statue in the middle of Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary


Possibly the world's largest hourglass only needs to be reset every New Year's Eve.
Budapest, Hungary


This quaint Hungarian railway system is operated exclusively by children between the ages of 10 and 14.
Malinska, Croatia

Abandoned Haludovo Palace Hotel

This truly palatial work of Communist-era architecture now sits crumbling on a Croatian beach.
Ljubljana, Slovenia


This abandoned Slovenian military barracks has become a punky-political art squat.
Berchtesgaden, Germany

The Eagle's Nest

Soaring over 6,000 feet in the Bavarian Alps, this beer garden was once Hitler's 50th birthday present.
Regensburg, Germany

Wurstkuchl (Sausage Kitchen)

This riverside restaurant has been serving customers since 1146.
Jungholz, Austria

The Jungholz Quadripoint

Two nations form a rare four-sided border at the peak of a mountain, philosophical questions result.
Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Augsburg, Germany

The Vogeltor

According to legend a man pooped out the window of this tower to prove that it was straight.
Dachau, Germany

Dachau Concentration Camp

The prototype for all Nazi concentration camps.
Garching bei München, Germany

Parabolic Slides

Four-story slides send people whizzing through the math department at this Munich university.
Garching bei München, Germany

Queen Elizabeth's Telephone Box

This red London phone booth once stood in front of Buckingham Palace and was used by the queen.
Munich, Germany


A stairway to heaven, or to nowhere at all.
Munich, Germany

Pinakothek der Moderne Futuro House

One of the most easily accessible examples of the rare 1960s UFO houses.
Garching bei München, Germany

Lego Extremely Large Telescope

A miniature model of what will be the world's largest telescope.