colvinwes8's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
Linz, Austria


Ride a dragon train into a world of dwarves.
Tal, Austria

Green Lake

Each year melting snow turns these Austrian hiking trails into scuba zones.
Wattens, Austria

Crystal Worlds

Swarovski's museum/theme park is a fake diamond fantasia overlooked by a giant.
Vienna, Austria

Schmetterlinghaus: The Imperial Butterfly Park

A tropical paradise just a short trip from the opera house is filled with beautiful winged creatures.
Tarrenz, Austria

Starkenberger Beer Pools

Where beer lovers can literally immerse themselves in beer.
Vienna, Austria

Clock Museum

A small museum filled with over 1,000 clocks, and one particular clock calibrated to run until the year 9999.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Netzschkau, Germany

Göltzsch Viaduct

The largest brick bridge in the world.
Bonn, Germany

Bonn Cherry Blossoms

Thousands of flowers create enchanting pink tunnels over the city streets.
Regensburg, Germany

Document Neupfarrplatz

From Ancient Rome to WWII, Neupfarrplatz has over 2,000 years of history underneath its main square.
Bad Schandau, Germany

Art Nouveau Elevator

An ornate century-old elevator still connects the two halves of Bad Schandau.
Binz, Germany


Hitler's bleak vision of relaxation still stands as a mostly abandoned 10,000-room resort complex.
Dusseldorf, Germany

The Gehry Buildings of Dusseldorf Harbor

Twisted buildings adorn the banks of the Rhine river.
Rangsdorf, Germany

Abandoned Airfield Rangsdorf

The ruined remains of the airport Claus von Stauffenberg departed in his failed attempt to kill Adolf Hitler.
Hamburg, Germany

St. Pauli Elbtunnel

Hamburgers are intensely proud of their tunnel beneath the river.
Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, Germany

Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (Lake Dwelling Museum)

This museum tells the story of lake dwellers from 4000 BC to 850 BC, replete with stilt houses and goats.
Wuppertal, Germany

Lego Bridge

This painted Lego bridge is the product of over a century of locomotive history.
Völklingen, Germany

Volklinger Ironworks

A former ironworks that was the first UNESCO industrial site.
Berlin, Germany


Floating swimming pool within a moored vessel.
Halbe, Germany

Tropical Islands Resort

It's always summer at the beach inside this former airship hangar.
Darmstadt, Germany


A German apartment building hosting as many trees as human occupants.
Lübben, Germany


Explore the complex ecology of this multifaceted nature preserve by riverboat.
Munich, Germany


A stairway to heaven, or to nowhere at all.