Courtney's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dublin, Ireland

Oddities of Christ Church Cathedral

The mummified heart of a saint lives on in this church—after a brief hiatus when it was stolen.
Mühltal, Germany

Castle Frankenstein

The birthplace of an eccentric alchemist and possible inspiration for the fictional reanimator of monsters.
Dublin, Ireland

Kingship and Sacrifice

This permanent collection of preserved bodies taken from Irish bogs is one of the leading authorities on such morbid mummies.
Drogheda, Ireland

St. Oliver Plunkett's Head

The severed head of a 17th-century Irish martyr lies within an intricate golden shrine.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
Grangewilliam, Ireland

Conolly's Folly

Obelisks and stone pineapples in the Irish countryside.
Dowth, Ireland


The ancient tomb acts as a calendar that keeps perfect time.
Corbett, Oregon

Multnomah Falls

A roaring, awe-inspiring double cascade of icy water flows through woodland Oregon like something out of a Tolkien novel.
Washington, D.C.

National Capitol Columns

The United States Capitol's former columns still stand.
Edinburgh, Scotland

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce Statues

Overlooked by many, the two famous Scottish warriors guard the main gate of Edinburgh Castle.
Crater Lake, Oregon

Crater Lake

The deepest lake in the United States, and once the site of epic destruction that lives on in legends.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
Kalabaka, Greece


Monasteries on rock pillars, once accessible only by frayed ropes.
Lohmen, Germany

The Bastei

Ruins of a German Castle on top of a towering stone pillar.
Portland, Oregon

The Witch's Castle

These old stone ruins in the Oregon wilderness were once bathrooms and are steeped in legends of murder.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools

These fantastically named natural pools look like something out of a Scottish myth.
Matamata, New Zealand


The real life Hobbiton, this sheep farm has been forever transformed since being built for The Hobbit film series.
Godalming, England

Witley Wonder Underwater Ballroom

The hidden "ballroom" under a mansion lake was built by a criminal who ate a cyanide pill during his trial.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.


An ancient capital city that dates back 3,000 years old and harbors many surprises.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Pripyat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu: The Lost City of The Inca

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu serves as a testament to Incan engineers.