cruellalisa's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Orange, Connecticut

PEZ Visitor Center

The world's largest public collection of PEZ memorabilia.
Groton, Connecticut

Mystic Pizza

This small-town pizzeria won the Hollywood lottery.
Waterford, Connecticut

Seaside Sanatorium

Ruins of a historic medical facility sits eerily by the water.
New Haven, Connecticut

East Rock Park

Panoramic views of the city of New Haven and the Long Island Sound, with a side of history.
Woodbury, Connecticut

Hogpen Hill Farms

A famed data visualizer's personal sculpture garden is a landscape of modern and megalithic wonders.
East Granby, Connecticut

Old Newgate Prison

A former copper mine which became a truly unsuccessful prison.
East Lyme, Connecticut

Book Barn

With some 500,000 books across five buildings, this bookstore is a reader's paradise.
New Haven, Connecticut

Louis' Lunch

While many places make the claim, the Library of Congress says this restaurant is the birthplace of the hamburger.
Union, Connecticut

Traveler Restaurant

This small-town Connecticut restaurant gives each diner a free book from its vast library.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lobster Mickey

This "life-size" depiction of Mickey Mouse as a half-lobster is both whimsical and a bit creepy, standing guard over the Boston waterfront.
Orange, Massachusetts

Massachusetts Peace Statue

The official peace statue of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
New Bedford, Massachusetts


The sea urchin sculpture is an unusual commemoration of a New England town's seafaring history.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Irish Famine Memorial

Dedicated to one of the darkest moments in Irish history, this memorial has faced its fair share of backlash.
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts

Salty the Seahorse

Once a kitschy symbol for a gift shop, this 38-foot seahorse is now a staple roadside attraction.
Plymouth, Massachusetts

Plimoth Patuxet

Since 1947, this living history museum has been providing an immersive look at life in Plymouth Colony.
Boston, Massachusetts

Creek Square

This historic patch of real estate offers a glimpse of colonial Boston.
Charlemont, Massachusetts

'Hail to the Sunrise'

A monument to the Mohawk people stands along an old Native American trade route.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Granite Railway Incline

The ruins of one of the first railroads in the U.S. lie hidden within a neighborhood cul-de-sac.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Lois Lane

A comic book store got the road by its shop officially renamed after Superman's girlfriend.
Halifax, Massachusetts

The Legs of Myles Standish

A pair of 7-foot legs belonging to the military man of the Mayflower stand jauntily by the side of the road.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Igor Fokin Memorial Sculpture

Memorial to a beloved puppeteer as well as all street performers.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Necco Wafer Sculpture

A tiny monument to the classic American candy.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Bricks

These whimsical works of art tell the story of the city's past and present.
Goshen, Massachusetts

Three Sisters Sanctuary

A stunning garden filled with fantastical environmental folk art and sculptures.