Curious1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

Bryant Park Bathroom

The fanciest public restroom in New York City boasts fresh flowers, art, and a classical music soundtrack.
Wilmington, Delaware


A blend of art, antiquities, and Americana fill this museum, surrounded by whimsical, enchanting gardens.
Des Moines, New Mexico

Capulin Volcano

This volcano rises like a giant anthill from the plains below, with a road spiraling up to the rim.
Norristown, Pennsylvania

American Treasure Tour

Delicate Wurlitzers, creepy clowns, and The Noid all share space in this insane explosion of kitsch history.
Bangor, Pennsylvania

Columcille Megalith Park

This park contains a number of standing stones meant to heal and inspire.
Spring House, Pennsylvania


A museum of anything and everything Stooge.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Lehigh Millennium Folk Arch

A park full of outsider art, created by college students studying outsider art.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia

This little-known collection holds everything from "Dracula" notes, to the manuscript of "Ulysses," to the forged works of Shakespeare.
Želízy, Czechia

The Devil Heads

Two monstrous faces loom over a village in Czechia.
Vis, Croatia

Vis Island

Formerly Yugoslavia's "forbidden island," this sleepy little city still holds the abandoned remains of military strongholds.
Malinska, Croatia

Abandoned Haludovo Palace Hotel

This truly palatial work of Communist-era architecture now sits crumbling on a Croatian beach.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Hotel Belvedere

The complex has been abandoned since the Croatian War of Independence, barring a stint as a set for 'Game of Thrones.'
Šibenik, Croatia

St. Nicholas Fortress

Large, airy hallways hide within an impenetrable fortress that beckons urban explorers.
Rijeka, Croatia

Torpedo Launch Station

Now abandoned, the world's first torpedo factory is crumbling into the sea.
Zagreb, Croatia

Brestovac Sanatorium

Once a state-of-the-art tuberculosis treatment spa, these ruins are now ruled by paintball players.
Kupari, Croatia

The Abandoned Hotels of Kupari

The now-overgrown beach resort was once frequented by Yugoslav military elite.
Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania

Kentuck Knob

The house that Frank Lloyd Wright "(shook) out of his sleeve at will" at the age of 86.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Burning of Zozobra

Setting this massive marionette aflame rids Santa Fe of doom and gloom for another year.
Vandalia, Illinois

The Kaskaskia Dragon

Buy a token from the liquor store and you can make this beast spew flames on command.
Lisbon, Portugal

Church of Santa Engrácia

Portugal's National Pantheon has a history of curses, collapses and financial problems.
Lisbon, Portugal

Conserveira de Lisboa

The best place in the world to buy tinned fish.
Lisbon, Portugal

Electricity Museum

Located in the thermoelectric factory that once powered the entire city, this Portuguese museum is shockingly fascinating.
Lisbon, Portugal

Bordallo Pinheiro Garden

A garden in Lisbon filled with giant porcelain creatures.
Lisbon, Portugal

Rhinoceros of Belem Tower

A king's pet, a pope's gift, an artist's inspiration, and a tragic shipwreck.