cyberdisco's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sparta, Wisconsin

FAST Fiberglass Mold Graveyard

These molds for fiberglass statues have formed an eerie, accidental sculpture park.
South Salem, New York

Wolf Conservation Center

Protecting the future of some of the rarest and most misunderstood mammals of North America.
Wilton, Connecticut

Weir Farm National Historic Site

American artist J. Alden Weir purchased this 60-acre estate for $10 and a painting.
New Canaan, Connecticut

Glass House

Home of Philip Johnson, one of the 20th century's most influential architects.
Beacon, New York

Bannerman's Castle

Collapsing castle on the Hudson river was once the storage site of military surplus business.
Rome, Italy

Santa Maria della Concezione Crypts

The crypts of Capuchin friars decorated with the bones of over 4,000 friars, including an entire "crypt of pelvises."
Naples, Italy

Cave of Dogs

Suffocating dogs was a common spectacle in the fumes of this noxious cave.
Naples, Italy

Gaiola Island

This magical-looking island is notorious for the misfortunes suffered by its owners.
Naples, Italy

Bourbon Tunnel

Dug as a secret royal escape route, the tunnel became a wartime bomb shelter and dumping ground for vintage cars.
Modena, Italy

Modena Archivolt

One of the earliest depictions of an Arthurian scene that is shrouded in mystery.
Province of Rieti, Italy

Dolina del Revotano

This enormous sinkhole hides a secret world created from divine wrath.
Ercolano, Italy

Vintage Market of Pugliano

For decades, vendors have sold clothes once worn by American soldiers who stormed Italy in the 1940s.
Cefalù, Italy

Lavatoio Medievale

A medieval wash house where people washed clothes in a river allegedly formed by the tears of a mourning nymph.
Genoa, Italy

Monteverde Angel

The "Mona Lisa" of funerary art.
Genoa, Italy

Ascensore Castello d'Albertis-Montegalletto

This peculiar Italian elevator runs both horizontally and vertically.
Turin, Italy

Fetta di Polenta

When this funny little building went up in the 19th century, most people thought it would simply fall over.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy

Mithraeum at Santa Maria Capua Vetere

The underground sanctuary of a mysterious ancient Roman religious cult contains an exquisite traditional fresco.
Cropani, Italy

Bosco Magnano Waterfall

The pristine waters crossing this forest form a hidden waterfall among the dense vegetation.
Torre Annunziata, Italy

Rock of Rovigliano

This tiny islet has somehow housed an ancient temple, two monasteries, a church, a fortress, and a restaurant.
Marciana, Italy

Cabinovia Monte Capanne

Take a giant yellow bird cage to the top of Elba's highest mountain.
Pietranera, Italy

Colonia di Rovegno

The now-abandoned Fascist summer colony served a dark purpose during World War II.
Florence, Italy

Massimo Listri Foundation

An extraordinary house museum and cabinet of curiosities in the heart of Florence.
Genoa, Italy

Genoa Cathedral

This cathedral hides a sculpted dog that determines your fate and an unexploded shell from World War II.
Altivole, Italy

Brion Tomb

A visionary Italian architect created an impressive cluster of concrete structures for a family's private tomb.