DemonLlama02's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kalambo Falls

This stunning waterfall is the backdrop to a site that has seen continuous human habitation for 250,000 years.
Aspen, Colorado

Conundrum Hot Springs

It takes a nine-mile hike to reach these hot springs, but weary hikers are rewarded with stunning views and a warm soak.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Jerrassic Park - Metal Dinosaur Park

Metal dinosaurs lurk in a sculpture garden on the outskirts of a popular resort town.
Larne, Northern Ireland

The Gobbins

A Victorian marvel of engineering is now a 21st-century tourist attraction.
Edgewood, Iowa

Ice Cave of Bixby State Preserve

Chilly air billows out from the entrance of an abandoned mine on a steep hillside, providing a refuge for Ice Age fauna and flora.
Istanbul, Turkey

Camondo Stairs

A gorgeous, Gaudí-esque stairway constructed in the city of Istanbul by a prominent Jewish family.
Washington, D.C.

USS Balao Conning Tower

Part of a WWII submarine is lurking outside the Washington Navy Yard parking lot.
Hickory Corners, Michigan

Gilmore Car Museum

Home to over 300 antique cars and motorcycles, including Thomas Edison's Model A.

Ala Kul Lake

A stunning blue-green lake located in the Terskey Alatau mountain range.
Cádiz, Spain

Baelo Claudia

The ruins of a 2,000-year-old Roman fishing village perched on one of the best beaches in Spain.
Westmeath, Ireland

The Hill of Uisneach

The symbolic center of Ireland, this summit also offers panoramic views of the countryside.

Sno Giant Head Sculptures

Georgia's answer to Easter Island immortalizes the nation's great poets, artists, and leaders in stone glory.
Rockford, Illinois

Anderson Japanese Gardens

This lush 12-acre site was once named the finest Japanese garden in North America.
Seoul, South Korea

Noryangjin Fish Market

Buy your fish and have it cooked to order in this bustling, eight-floor seafood market.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Devinska Kobyla Missile Base

A relic of the Cold War tucked away in the forested hills above Bratislava.
Ward, New Zealand

Ward Beach Boulders

This beach provides a glimpse of the ancient seafloor without getting wet.
Tokyo, Japan


A miniature shrine in the busy corner of Tokyo's historic Broadway, honoring a sextet of unusual entertainment gods.
Reggio Calabria, Italy

Riace Bronzes

Two of the few remaining life-sized Greek bronzes were submerged in the sea for over 2,000 years.
Taichung City, Taiwan

Painted Animation Lane

A small alleyway lined with locally drawn scenes of nostalgic anime and cartoon characters.
Alicante, Spain

Calle de Las Setas (The Mushroom Street)

Down this yellow brick road, visitors are treated to toadstool houses and massive mushroom sculptures.
Washington, D.C.

Ben's Chili Bowl Mural

A gorgeous mural outside a beloved D.C. restaurant pays homage to famous Black Americans.
Šibenik, Croatia

St. Nicholas Fortress

Large, airy hallways hide within an impenetrable fortress that beckons urban explorers.
Vienna, Austria


Dine amidst exotic plants at this former royal greenhouse.
Mountain View, California

Utah Teapot

The model behind the iconic 3D test model.